Transforming Technical People into Highly Effective Leaders
(2015年 9月 9日 09:00 — 17:00)
One of the key things that many engineers don't (consciously) realise is that: dealing with people is actually quite different from dealing with machines.
When you deal with a machine or an equipment, if you have the same inputs and the same processes, you will get the same output every single time. If you don't, then there's something wrong with the machine.
However, when you deal with people, having the same input and processes is unlikely to give you the same response every time. This unpredictability is the nature of human beings , and is somewhat contrary to the expectations of many technical people.
After the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Improve technical team performance by being able to motivate and communicate with technical team members and cross-department colleagues effectively 通过正确的激励、沟通方式以提升技术团队绩效,并更有效地与跨部门同事合作
- Optimise team performance by leveraging on each others’ strengths 通过利用团队成员的各自优势来最优化团队绩效
- Find ways to work around the weaknesses of each team member, including yourself 找寻解决团队成员劣势的方法,包括你自己
Understanding the Characteristics of Technical Professionals
- Understanding the types of behavioural patterns 了解不同的行为类型
- Typical behavioural preferences of technical professionals 技术专家的典型行为倾向
- Typical challenges faced by technical professionals when leading and communicating with team members 技术专家在与队员沟通及领导团队时所遇到的普遍挑战
- Creating self-awareness with technical team leaders 让技术团队领导培养自我意识
Essentials of Team Leadership Success
- The characteristics of effective technical teams 高效技术团队的特征
- Understanding and resolving conflicts between team members 了解并解决队员的纠纷
- Matching the right job with the right team member 将合适的队员分配到适合的角色上
Giving Constructive Feedback 提出建设性的反馈
- How can our feedback be more effective?
- 如何使我们的反馈更加有效
- Untangle your message so your team member finds your message more acceptable
- 分解你的信息从而使你的团队成员更易接受你的信息
- Making sure that you team member makes positive changes 30 days after you gave your feedback
- 确保你的团队成员在你给出你的反馈30天后做出积极的改变
- Role play: giving feedback to team members who displayed bad, acceptable and great behaviours respectively
- 角色扮演:分别对团队中显示了不好的,可接受的以及好的行为的成员反馈
Getting People to Trust You 使他人信任你
- Trustbuilding game 游戏:如何建立信任感
- Why some people are trustedand others are not为什么有些人被信任有些人却不能
- 5 key steps (in order of importance) to build trust with your employees beyond honesty and truthfulness
- 与你的员工建立超越忠诚和诚实的信任感地6大关键步骤(以重要性排序)
【讲师介绍】 黄常捷
黄常捷 (c.j. Ng)是美国培训与发展协会(ASTD)2009年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的结合销售、领导力及体验式培训于一身的亚洲咨询师。他是一位值得您信赖的销售领域的咨询顾问,曾帮助许多跨国企业获得了在中国及其他区域销售业绩方面的显著突破。迄今为止,c.j.已帮助:
- 世界领先的工业自动化企业如 泰科、莱尼电缆 及 施耐德 的销售团队如何提高他们的业绩;
- 国际化工集团如 赢创、林德工程 及 GE 发展提高其团队的领导力和销售能力
- 全球企业佼佼者如 克莱斯勒、戴姆勒、宝马的经理提升领导力及各项领导技能,以提高团队的作战能力等
- 主办:无锡市新区人力资源服务中心
- 承办:无锡市新区高杰人才咨询服务有限公司
- 出席地址:新区雷迪森广场酒店
- 活动时间:2015年9月9日
- 收费标准:1、高杰卡计次收费; 2、普通客户1280元/人/天(按报名时间与人数享受相应折扣);
- 咨询热线:85222697; 13861767123
- 联系人:邹伟烨
- 电子邮箱
- QQ/微信:50439175
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