Complimentary 90 minute session of Why Should Anyone Be Led by YOU?™


Complimentary 90 minute session of
Why Should Anyone Be Led by YOU?™

May I invite you to a COMPLIMENTARY webinar to explore the exciting new leadership process Why Should Anyone Be Led by YOU?™. The event will be held in conjunction with BlessingWhite on Wednesday September 21st at 10:00 a.m. China/ Singapore Standard Time.

The research of Professors Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones from London Business School, published in articles and bestselling book by Harvard Business School, reveals secrets to success that are particularly relevant to the challenges facing leaders in China. 

This 90 minute session of Why Should Anyone Be Led by YOU?™ will be an engaging, relevant and practical leadership development experience.


Join Ken Simper, Managing Director BlessingWhite Asia-Pacific, to explore the nature of authentic leadership and discuss the relevance of the Why Should Anyone Be Led by YOU?™ leadership process to leadership in China and at your organization.

Ken will be joined by Senior Consulting Partner for China, Roy Gao. As a highly experienced HR Practitioner and consultant, Roy has an acute understanding of the premises behind Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?™ and is experienced in applying this approach to developing leaders in China. Roy will share observations and advice regarding the specific challenges and best practice for leadership development in the Asia-Pacific region.

You will see how progressive organizations help managers become inspirational leaders. You will be able to judge for yourself whether this unique approach could work for the leaders in your organization. 

Register now for the free webinar


Clients always tell us that they learn more and decide quicker if they participate in our special event with a colleague, maybe a leader who might be considered for the Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?™ process in your organization.

Here is what participants in China who have already benefited from the highly actionable learning experience have to say …

Valuable and not contrived. Something that is consistently actionable.
--Leading Software Company

A practical and innovative course which gives participants
a clear approach = "Be true to yourself."
--Leading Global Bank

Helped me to understand myself better in order to understand and convince
others. I now realize that "Performance Management" is not "leadership"!
--Luxury Goods Retailer

To learn more about the full 2-day process visit the Why Should Anyone be Led by YOU? website {We  will be pleased to offer this process for implementation in your organisation in Simplified Chinese with delivery in Mandarin starting in 2012.}

In addition to this webcast we’ll be partnering with BlessingWhite to host an Open Session in Shanghai which will give leaders to opportunity to participate in the working session and be certified to deliver the process. To learn more about this session and register you interest click here and follow the relevant links.

We hope you’ll be able to join us to find out why this experience provides the most relevant content and effective development experience for leaders in China.

Please feel welcome to contact with me if you’d like more information about this event or the Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?™ process.

Best Regards,

c.j. Ng
Executive Director, Directions Management Consulting
Senior Consulting Partner, BlessingWhite Asia-Pacific




BlessingWhite China
Suite 2105, CITIC Square, 1168 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai 200041
tel: +86 21 5292 9000 • fax: 86 21 5292 9068

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