Breaking News
Publication: A Climate of Change: Public
Opinion Survey on Global Change in Hong Kong 2010
October, 2010
Civic Exchange commissioned a survey on Hong Kong
people’s attitudes towards climate change. The survey concluded 7 key findings
ranged from concerns of future generations to government participation
regarding climate change.
Click here for the full Climate Change Survey Report. (English only)
Click here for the survey report in English.
Click here for the survey report in Chinese.

New Publication: Doing Enough at
COP 16
October, 2010
This briefing paper provides the background to the
Conference of Parties meetings in Cancun (COP 16), Mexico, from 29 November to 10
December 2010. It examines the key issues COP 16 will experience, whether there
will be enough governments agreed to send a positive signal in stabilizing the
global climate.
The full Chinese paper will be available online
Click here for the full English paper.

New Publication: Nuclear Energy in China
and Hong Kong: Background and future
October, 2010
This paper provides a short factual background note for Civic Exchange’s
14th Energy Forum on nuclear power energy. This note includes a
broad overview of the current state of the nuclear power sector in China and Hong Kong.
Click here for the background
report on the 14th Energy Forum. (English only)

New Publication: Greenhouse Gas Emission: How Hong Kong Compares
October, 2010
In response to the
Environment Bureau’s climate change consultation, Civic Exchange has
its own policy recommendations paper to proposed ways to improve Hong
Kong’s current measurement of greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions. The Social & Policy Research Unit of the Department of
Sciences at the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIED) also published its own
report on GHG emission.
Click here for the Civic
Exchange’s policy recommendations paper. (English only)
Click here for the abstract
of the HKIED report. (English only).
To receive a copy of the full report from HKIED, please email to

Environmental Index selected for trilgual best practice catalogue
19 October, 2010
The Hedley
Environmental Index has been included an online catalogue of 15 outstanding
examples of tools and projects for urban sustainability. Published by Spanish
NGO ECODES in the world’s three commonest languages –
English, Chinese and
Spanish, the catalogue aims to encourage the global dissemination of tools and
programmes that can be replicated in, and directly benefit, other countries
facing similar environmental issues.
Upcoming Events
Climate Dialogue: Low Carbon City for High Quality Living
3-6 November, 2010
For Climate Dialogue’s invited guests, the deadline
for registration was 21 October, 2010, however, general public registration
remains open until all seats are filled. Seats are still available, so for
those who are still hesitant as to whether they should attend the conference,
Climate Dialogue has invited a plethora of well-known speakers from across the
Examples of notable keynote speakers:
Mr. John Ashton, Special Representative for Climate Change, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, UK
Mr. David Buckland, Artist, Creator of Cape Farewell, UK
Dr. James E. Hansen, Head, NASA Goddard Institute for Special Studies, USA
Mr. Martin Lees, Former Secretary General, Club of Rome, Former Senior Adviser to the Chinese Government on climate change and sustainable development, Switzerland
Dr. Richard L. Sander, Chairman and CEO, Environmental Financial Products LLC, Founder, Chicago Climate Exchange
Mr. Robert Swan, Polar Explorer, UK
Click here for the updated Climate Dialogue programme.

Get It Green Youth Summit
7 November, 2010
Civic Exchange would like to thank all those who participated in the Get It Green (GIG) competition. We received over 800 submissions and would like to invite you to our Youth Summit to find out who our grand prize winners will be.
Andox & Box along with the beautiful song artist Ms. Kay Tse will serve as ambassadors for the GIG competition and provide live performances on the day of the Youth Summit.
Please join us in the Youth Summit and witness the finale of our GIG competition by registering on the GIG webpage.
Click here to register and find out more information about the Get It Green Youth Summit.

Event Highlights
In case you missed our events, check out our event reports for highlights.
Energy Forum 14 - Expanding Hong Kong's Nuclear Power Base
6 October, 2010
Civic Exchange organized a workshop on nuclear energy on 6 October, 2010 to inform participants on the latest information about nuclear power. The workshop invited experts from the nuclear energy field to update everyone on China's energy and nuclear strategies, examined potential implications for Hong Kong and the Pear River Delta for nuclear power.
Click here to visit the event page for the detailed information about the workshop and download the speaker's presentations..
Click here for the full event report.

Newspaper Columns
South China Morning Post
Hong Kong Economic Times
- 26 October, 2010 - No place for trash
Please visit the Hong Kong Economic Times website to read the articles. (Chinese only)

Please continue to follow up on Civic Exchange's latest news on facebook and twitter.

Civic Exchange is a company with limited liability and a Registered Charity in Hong Kong.
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