In This Newsletter |
Mini-Seminar |
Free Teleseminar |
Sedona Seminar 2010 |

Tickets for Clear to Manifest Seminar in Nov 19 - 21, 2010 Are Now Available 2010年11月19-21日 【實現豐盛】研討會 門票現正公開發售
Bijan will see you in Hong Kong in November, 2010.
大師 Bijan 本年十一月 在香港和你見面
This is It - Click Here 這個就是 - 點擊這裡
Advanced Meditation and Healing 深度靜心與療癒
This seminar has been specially planned to be conducted in Sedona, Arizona . This city is surrounded with beautiful red rock mountains and is located in one of the most powerful vortex energy centers on earth.
19th - 23rd July, 2010 2010 年7月19日 至 23日 |
Prosperity Meditation 豐盛冥想 |
Guided Meditation Online Creating prosperity without having to do anything THIS IS IT - CLICK HERE
線上的引導冥想 不須要做任何事便可以創造豐盛 這個就是 - 點擊這裡 |
Always remember Bijan's law "Whatever CAN go right, WILL go right. Expect a miracle!" ~ Bijan ~
Four Magic Sentences: "You are Untouchable," Archangel Michael. "You are totally provided for, just open yourself up," St. Germain. "You can't make mistakes," Archangel Gabrielle. "You are getting Younger Everyday," Archangel Rafael. Aging is a belief system. This is true if you are above the line, it's the law of the universe. ~ Bijan ~ Remember to keep your word today! | |
Don't Miss It! 不容錯過! |
Free Telesemianr 免費電話研討會 |
Effortless Prosperity free teleseminars for Jun 2010 2010 年 6 月份 Effortless Prosperity 的電話研討會 Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice PHONE DIAL: 1-702-824-9468 Use Conf ID: 465834# 可選擇電話或網上收聽 致電 1-702-824-9468 會議密碼:465834# Use #6 to mute yourself, #7 to unmute and ask questions. 要靜音,輸入#6。取消靜音並提問,輸入#7。 Replay 重播: Wednesday, Jun 2rd CLICK HEREWednesday, Jun 9th CLICK HEREWednesday, Jun 16th CLICK HERE
You may go back to the same link after the event and download it and listen to it over and over again. 你可以在電話研討會之後回到相同的鏈結,下載並重複又重複收聽。 |
靈修聖地-美國 Sedona, Arizona 2010 |
Advanced Meditation and Healing 深度靜心與療癒 |
In this seminar you will become aware of the power of meditation and will learn how to use energy to heal yourself and others. And even more important, you will learn how to connect with your guides, higher self, and much more...
The energy in Sedona is one of the most powerful, you will experience miracle after miracle. Along with Bijan's high power teachings. You will see incredible results and transform your life on a grand scale.
Date: |
Monday - Friday, July 19th - 23rd, 2010 |
Arrival: |
Sunday, July 18th, 2010 |
Departure: |
Saturday, July 24th, 2010 |
Venue: |
The Enchantment Resort, Sedona, Arizona |
For details, please call Ivy at 852-9301-4307. |
Sedona 是世界上其中一個最強的能量漩渦中心,你將會接二連三地體驗奇蹟。隨著 Bijan 高能量的教導,你會看到令人難以置信的結果,並且大規模地改變你的人生。
日期: |
2010 年 7 月 19 - 23 日 (星期一至五) |
抵達日期: |
2010 年 7 月 18 日 (星期日) |
回程日期: |
2010 年 7 月 24 日 (星期六) |
地點: |
美國亞利桑那州聖多納,The Enchantment Resort |
有關詳情,請致電852-9301-4307聯絡 Ivy。 | |