In This Newsletter |
Clear to Manifest in Hong Kong |
Get Set! |
Thanksgiving BBQ Dinner |
Free Teleseminar |
Personal Coaching with Bijan November Daytime By appointment
個案諮商 十一月份 日間 需預約
Listen to Bijan Morning Brew Radio 3 RTHK Oct 29th 2010 收聽Bijan 2010年10月29日 香港電台第三台Morning Brew
Listen on Webcast: THIS IS IT! Click "Bijan Anjomi - Effortless Prosperity" and download or listen |
Reserve Your Seats Fast!!快快訂座!!Contact Ivy NgE-mail:
Tel: 9301-4307
Please deposit fees into Hang Seng Bank 227-445533-883, and fax the deposit slip to 2336-6567.
請將費用存入恆生銀行 227-445533-883, 並將存根傳真至 2336-6567。 |
Tickets for Clear to Manifest Seminar in Nov 19 - 21, 2010 Are Now Available
2010年11月19-21日 【實現豐盛】研討會 門票現正公開發售
Bijan will see you in Hong Kong in November, 2010.
大師 Bijan 本年十一月 在香港和你見面
Clear to Manifest This exclusive two-and-a-half-day workshop is designed to teach you to identify, acknowledge and release all the old belief systems of sacrifice, struggle and working hard that have held you back; acknowledge yourself as the cause and creator of your life; live in the present moment and much, much more. 《實現豐盛》 這個獨家兩天半的工作坊目的是教你識別、認知並釋放所有犧牲、奮鬥、努力工作而障礙你開展人生的舊有信念系統;認知自己就是那成因和生命的創造者;活在當下和更多、更多。 |
Replay of Free Teleseminar 免費電話研討會重播
Replay 重播:Nov 9th CLICK HERE Allowing Where People Are
Nov 2nd CLICK HERE How to Give Up Control
Oct27th CLICK HERE How're You Handling What's Going on
Oct 20th CLICK HERE How to Give Up FearOct 17th CLICK HERE Masculine and Feminine EnergyOct 6th CLICK HERE The Incredible Power of Trust
Sep 29th CLICK HEREWhat Are You Committing Yourself in This Life Sep 22nd CLICK HERE Addiction to Fear Sep 19th CLICK HERE The Biggest Addiction in the World Sep 8th CLICK HEREIt's All Good Sep 1st CLICK HEREChoose Being Happy or RightDownload it and listen to it over and over again.下載並重複又重複收聽。 |
Always remember Bijan's law "Whatever CAN go right, WILL go right. Expect a miracle!" ~ Bijan ~
Four Magic Sentences: "You are Untouchable," Archangel Michael. "You are totally provided for, just open yourself up," St. Germain. "You can't make mistakes," Archangel Gabrielle. "You are getting Younger Everyday," Archangel Rafael. Aging is a belief system. This is true if you are above the line, it's the law of the universe. ~ Bijan ~ Remember to keep your word today! | |
Know That Dreams Can Come True 夢想是可以成真的 |
Mini-Seminar "Get Set for a Prosperous Lifestyle" 小型研討會 - 「一切就緒」 |
The first evening of two-and-a-half-day event, Clear to Manifest, is opened for you and your friends who are curious about manifesting prosperity effortlessly. Through this seminar, you will get more ideas with what "effortless prosperity" means and what it takes for you to enjoy it for yourself.
Date: |
Friday, Nov 19th, 2010 |
Time: |
7:00p.m. - 10:00p.m. |
Registration begins at 6:30p.m. |
Venue: |
Eaton Hotel Hong Kong, Nathan Room III, 1/F, |
380 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon, HK |
Fee: |
Original Price: HK$480 |
SPECIAL PRICE for Friends of Effortless Success: HK$360 |
To register, call Ivy at 9301-4307 or Email: Please deposit fees into Hang Seng Bank 227-445533-883, and fax deposit slip to 2336-6567. |
日期: |
2010 年 11 月 19 日 (星期五) |
時間: |
晚上 7:00 - 10:00 |
晚上 6:30 開始登記 |
地點: |
香港 九龍 佐敦 彌敦道 380 號 |
香港逸東酒店 一樓 彌敦廳 III |
費用: |
原價:HK$480 |
優閒成就發展中心之友特價:HK$360 |
報名請致電 Ivy Ng 9301-4307 或 Email: 請將費用存入恆生銀行 227-445533-883,並將存根傳真 至2336-6567。 | |
THIS IS IT - CLICK HERE 這個就是 - 按這裡 |
Let's Cheers for Abundance 為豐盛而喝采 |
Thanksgiving BBQ Dinner 感恩節燒烤晚會 |
So what are you grateful for at this moment? Let's celebrate and cheers for flawless health, wonderful relationships, and effortless prosperity that we always are provided with! Take this chance to get in touch with your gratefulness with the future Clear to Manifest trainers of Effortless Prosperity.
Date: |
Thursday, Nov 25th, 2010 |
Time: |
6:30p.m. - 9:30p.m. |
Venue: |
Poolside, 3/F, The Mariners’ Club |
11 Middle Road, TST, Kowloon, HK |
Fee: |
HK$250 |
To register, call Ivy at 9301-4307 or Email: Please deposit fees into Hang Seng Bank 227-445533-883, and fax deposit slip to 2336-6567. | 你這一刻感恩的是什麼? 來!為我們時分秒得到完美的健康、美好的關係以及輕易的富足,一起慶祝和歡呼! 藉此機會與 Effortless Prosperity 的「實現豐盛」準導師一起連結內心感激之情。
日期: |
2010 年 11 月 25 日 (星期五) |
時間: |
晚上 6:30 - 9:30 |
地點: |
香港九龍尖沙咀中間道 11 號 |
香港海員俱樂部 三樓 池伴 |
費用: |
HK$250 |
報名請致電 Ivy Ng 9301-4307 或 Email: 請將費用存入恆生銀行 227-445533-883,並將存根傳真 至2336-6567。 | |
Don't Miss It! 不容錯過! |
Free Teleseminar 免費電話研討會 |
Effortless Prosperity free teleseminars for Nov 2010 2010 年 11 月份 Effortless Prosperity 的電話研討會 Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice PHONE DIAL: 1-702-824-9468 Use Conf ID: 465834# 可選擇電話或網上收聽 致電 1-702-824-9468 會議密碼:465834# Use #6 to mute yourself, #7 to unmute and ask questions. 要靜音,輸入#6。取消靜音並提問,輸入#7。 Date are in Hong Kong zone: 日期是香港時間: Wednesday, Nov 17th 10:00a.m. CLICK HEREWednesday, Nov 24th 10:00a.m. CLICK HEREWednesday, Dec 1st 10:00a.m. CLICK HEREYou may go back to the same link after the event and download it and listen to it over and over again. 你可以在電話研討會之後回到相同的鏈結,下載並重複又重複收聽。 |