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Tickets for Clear to Manifest Seminar in Jan 28 -29, 2012 Are Now Available
2012年1月28-29日 【實現豐盛】研討會 門票現正公開發售
Bijan will see you in Hong Kong in Jan, 2012
Bijan 大師2012年一月 在香港和你見面
Clear to Manifest This exclusive two days workshop is designed to teach you to identify, acknowledge and release all the old belief systems of sacrifice, struggle and working hard that have held you back; acknowledge yourself as the cause and creator of your life; live in the present moment and much, much more. 《實現豐盛》 這個獨家兩天的工作坊目的是教你識別、認知並釋放所有犧牲、奮鬥、努力工作而障礙你開展人生的舊有信念系統;認知自己就是那成因和生命的創造者;活在當下和更多、更多。 |
Ivy Ng (吳聖珊) Certified Master Trainer and Certified Master Coach 認可導師和認可諮商師 Ivy, one of the most diligent disciples of Effortless Prosperity, has started to practiced Effortless Prosperity in the last five years. In short time, she has attended over 40 of Bijan’s seminars, 15 of which in USA and Mexico. As the chief translator for Chinese book of Effortless Prosperity Book 1, she is dedicated to demostrate how prosperity is manifested effortlessly. 吳聖珊是《輕鬆富足》其中一個最勤奮的門生。在實習《輕鬆富足》短短五年間,她出席了超過40個Bijan的研討會,其中15個在美國和墨西哥。作為中文書《豐盛絕不費勁》的首席翻譯,她致力於示範富足是如何輕鬆地呈現。 | |
Tickets are now available. 門票現正公開發售 |
Bijan has been very popular and busy in China. It is absolutely our honor to invite him to come to Hong Kong again while he take a break during Chinese New Year. The tickets for the next Clear to Manifest seminar is available now. Get them early before the price goes up to $4,800.
Bijan 在國內十分有名而且非常繁忙。我們可以於農曆新年期間邀請他再度來港,實在是一份榮幸。下一次「實現豐盛」研討會的門票現已公開發售。正價$4,800,現在有提早報名優惠,立即採取行動,預早購票。
Date: |
Saturday & Sunday, 28th - 29th Jan, 2012 |
Time: |
Whole day (Exact time TBA) |
Venue: |
To Be Announced |
Fees: |
HK$4,800 |
Early Bird Discount HK$3,600 |
Register: |
Deposit fees into Hang Seng Bank 227-445533-883 |
A/C Name: Effortless Success Development Center |
Fax deposit slip to 852-2336-6567. |
Call 852-8106-6567 for enquiry |
日期: |
2012 年 1 月 28 -29 日 (星期六、日) |
時間: |
全日 (實際時間容後公佈) |
地點: |
容後公佈 |
費用: |
HK$4,800 |
提早報名優惠 HK$3,600 |
報名: |
請把費用存入恆生銀行 227-445533-883 |
賬戶名稱:Effortless Success Development Center |
國內人民幣付款方式: |
存入:中國建設銀行股份有限公司(深圳和平路支行) |
賬戶號碼:6227 0072 0073 0322 700 |
賬戶名稱:吳聖珊 |
並把存款單傳真至 852-2336-6567 |
查詢致電 852-8106-6567 |
美好關係不費勁(孩子編) |
天下間最接近無條件的愛莫過於父母對子女的愛。你可曾懷疑過自己是否已經給予子女最多最好的東西?自己可有把負面的信念系統都灌輸給子女?他們有恐懼嗎?如何做才能確保他們在心智上健康地成長?怎樣做才是對他們有最高利益呢? 一連八節,每節兩小時半,Ivy 將運用Effortless Prosperity的原則和你分享如何輕而易舉地和子女溝通,既能達致和諧的關係,也可以讓他們在健康的環境下成長。
日期: |
2011年7月6 日 (星期三) 開始 |
時間: |
上午10:30至 下午1:00 |
地點: |
九龍尖沙咀堪富利士道1號4/F |
(尖沙嘴地鐵站 A2 出口) |
費用: |
HK$2,000 |
請把費用存入恆生銀行 227-445533-883 |
賬戶名稱:Effortless Success Development Center |
並把存款單傳真至 852-2336-6567 |
報名查詢: |
2366-0266 或 8106-6567 | |
Don't Miss It! 不容錯過! |
Free Teleseminar 免費電話研討會 |
Next Teleseminar 下一個電話課程 Hong Kong Time 香港時間 May 26th 2011 9:00a.m. CLICK HERE
| |