In This Newsletter |
How to Attract Prosperity |
Clear to Manifest Seminar |
Miracle Sharing Sessions |
Free Teleseminars |
Ivy Ng (吳聖珊) Certified Master Trainer and Certified Master Coach 認可導師和認可諮商師 Ivy, one of the most diligent disciples of Effortless Prosperity, has started to practiced Effortless Prosperity in the last five years. In short time, she has attended over 40 of Bijan’s seminars, 15 of which in USA and Mexico. As the chief translator for Chinese book of Effortless Prosperity Book 1, she is dedicated to demostrate how prosperity is manifested effortlessly. 吳聖珊是《輕鬆富足》其中一個最勤奮的門生。在實習《輕鬆富足》短短五年間,她出席了超過40個Bijan的研討會,其中15個在美國和墨西哥。作為中文書《豐盛絕不費勁》的首席翻譯,她致力於示範富足是如何輕鬆地呈現。 |
Tickets for Clear to Manifest Seminar in May 6 - 8, 2011 Are Now Available
2011年5月6-8日 【實現豐盛】研討會 門票現正公開發售
Bijan will see you in International Grand Standford Hong Kong in May, 2011
Bijan 大師本年五月 在香港海景嘉福酒店 和你見面
Clear to Manifest This exclusive two-and-a-half-day workshop is designed to teach you to identify, acknowledge and release all the old belief systems of sacrifice, struggle and working hard that have held you back; acknowledge yourself as the cause and creator of your life; live in the present moment and much, much more. 《實現豐盛》 這個獨家兩天半的工作坊目的是教你識別、認知並釋放所有犧牲、奮鬥、努力工作而障礙你開展人生的舊有信念系統;認知自己就是那成因和生命的創造者;活在當下和更多、更多。 |
Do you speak Bijanese? Bijanese is an unofficial language that the Effortless Prosperity students always speak. It uses words that diverts everything to positive and light. This is how we always see miracles in lives.
彼尚語是一非官方語言,輕鬆富足的學生經常說的。它的字詞把一切導向正面與光明。這就是我們如何經常在生活中看到奇蹟。 |
How to Stay Above the Line 1. Remember the Law of Universe - Whatever you talk about, think about, and focus on, you manifest more of it. 2. If you need to think, than think positive. 3. Slowly replace your thoughts with your feelings. 4. Bring yourself back to reality as soon as you know you are in virtual reality. 5. Love yourself, love your Higher Self - Stop picking on yourself. Just allow everything to be and stop resisting life - things will fall into place.
如何留在線以上 1.記住宇宙法則 - 不管你說什麼、想什麼、注意什麼,你會體現更多。 2.如果你必要思想,想正面的。 3.慢慢以感覺取代你的思想。 4.每發現自己在虛擬實相,立即帶自己回到實相。 5.愛自己,愛你的較高自我 - 停止挑剔自己。只要讓一切如是、停止阻抗生命 - 事情將依完美的秩序落實。 | |
Prosperity is the ability to be open to receive all the gifts the Universe has to offer. 富足是有能力打開心扉去接受宇宙賜予的所有禮物。 |
Know that who you are is more than who you think you are. Give yourself a chance to discover your true powers within! Through joyous sharing of Effortless Prosperity principles, Ivy will help you:
- unveil your desire in relationship, health, and wealth - identify the belief systems of hard work that have held you back - acknowledge who you are deserves the best - reap immense benefits by choosing joy
要知道,你的真正身份比你認識的更多。給自己一個機會去認出你真正的力量來!透過輕鬆愉快地分享《輕鬆富足》的原則,Ivy將幫助你: - 揭開你在關係、健康和財富方面的渴望 - 辨別阻攔你的信念系統如苦幹等等 - 認知你的真正身份是值得擁有最好的一切 - 如何選擇喜悅而穫得無限的好處
"How to Attract Prosperity" - Three Events for Your Conveniece: 《如何吸引豐盛》 - 三次活動方便你:
日期: |
2011 年 4 月 17 日 (星期日) |
時間: |
下午 2:00 至 5:00 |
地點: |
廣州市 越秀區 中山四路246號 信德商務中心 6 樓會所 |
費用: |
RMB$100 (二人同行 RMB$150) |
報名: |
致電 86-20-8319-1442 留座 |
日期: |
2011 年 4 月 22 日 (星期五) |
時間: |
晚上 7:30 至 9:30 |
地點: |
香港銅鑼灣登龍街五十二號景隆商業大廈十六樓 |
費用: |
HK$80 |
報名: |
致電 852-2838-2988 留座 |
日期: |
2011 年 4 月 28 日 (星期四) |
時間: |
晚上 7:00 至 9:30 |
地點: |
香港葵涌工業街 17 - 21 號美安工業大廈 20 樓 C1 室 |
費用: |
HK$100 (二人同行 $180) |
報名: |
致電 852-9087-7043 留座 | |
The more you focus on miracles, the more they comes to you. 你越專注於奇蹟,奇蹟越來找你。 |
"Miracles are like wild pigeons. The more you feed them, the more they show up and bring their friends – so notice your miracles." ~Bijan
Miracles Sharing Session (Cantonese-speaking)
Date: |
Tuesday, Apr 19th, 2011 |
Time: |
7:30p.m. - 9:30p.m. |
Venue: |
Life Origin Centre |
Flat C1, 20/F, Mai On Industrial Bldg, 17 - 21 Kung |
Yip Street, Kwai Chung, HK |
(Kwai Hing MTR Exit A - 5min walk) |
Fee: |
$50 for venue rental |
Register: |
Call Ivy at 9301-4307 to reserve a seat. | Miracles Sharing Session (Cantonese/English biligual)
Date: |
Wednesday, Apr 20th, 2011 |
Time: |
7:30p.m. - 9:30p.m. |
Venue: |
Lightworkers Center |
4/F, No.1 Humphreys Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln. |
(TST MTR Exit A2) |
Fee: |
$50 for venue rental |
Register: |
Call Ivy at 9301-4307 to reserve a seat. |
「奇蹟就像野鴿。你越餵它們,它們越是出現,並且帶同它們的朋友一起來 - 所以留意你的奇蹟。」 ~Bijan
日期: |
2011 年 4 月 19 日 (星期二) |
時間: |
晚上 7:30 至 9:30 |
地點: |
生命原點中心 |
香港葵涌工業街 17 - 21 號美安工業大廈 20 樓 C1 室 |
(葵興地鐵 A 出口,步行約五分鐘即達) |
費用: |
$50 場地費 |
報名: |
致電 Ivy at 9301-4307 留座 | 奇蹟分享會(廣東話/英語)
日期: |
2011 年 4 月 20 日 (星期三) |
時間: |
晚上 7:30 至 9:30 |
地點: |
光行者中心 |
港九龍尖沙咀堪富利士道 1 號 4/F |
(尖沙咀地鐵 A2 出口) |
費用: |
$50 場地費 |
報名: |
致電 Ivy at 9301-4307 留座 | |
Don't Miss It! 不容錯過! |
Free Teleseminar 免費電話研討會 |
Effortless Prosperity free teleseminars Effortless Prosperity 的電話研討會
| |