Discover the Power of Gratitude 感恩的力量 Oct 22 2011
Dear [FIRSTNAME], It is our honor to invite Kamal Bhatia, one of the Effortless Prosperity certified Trainers, to talk to us on: Discover the Power of Gratitude 感恩的力量 Speaker: Kamal Bhatia Cantonese Translator: Ivy Ng This interactive and transformational seminar is designed to bring amazing results in your life. It will cover: - Unveiling your desire in relationship, health, and wealth - Identifying all the belief systems of sacrifice, struggle and work hard that have held you back - Acknowledging who you are deserves the best - Reaping immense benefits by choosing joy Date: Oct 22. 2011 (Sat) Time: 2:30 - 5:00p.m. Venue: Lightworkers Center, 4/F, No.1 Humphreys Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln. (TST MTR Exit A2) Fees: HK$280 (Register before Sep 30 only HK$180) To register, call Becky at (852)2366-0266 or (852)8106-6567 主講:Kamal Bhatia 粵語翻譯:Ivy Ng 這互動和蛻變式的研討會是為了使你的生活有驚人的改變而設計的。內容包括: - 揭開你在關係、健康和財富方面的渴望 - 辨別所有阻攔你的信念系統如犧牲、掙扎、苦幹等等 - 認知你的真正身份是值得擁有最好的一切 - 如何選擇喜悅而穫得無限的好處 日期: 2011年10月22日星期六 時間: 2:30pm-5:00pm 地點: 光行者中心 - 香港九龍尖沙咀堪富利士道 1 號 4/F(尖沙咀地鐵 A2 出口) 費用: HK$280 (9月30日前: HK$180) 報名: 請致電 Becky (852)2366-0266 或 (852)8106-6567
Clear to Manifest 實現豐盛 Jan 7 & 8. 2012
What a great chance it is to begin a new year with the Master Bijan! If you have not yet experienced his powerful energy, this is the last chance you can do it in Hong Kong.
能夠和 Bijan 大師一起展開新的一年是多麼難得!如果你從未體驗過他偉大的能量,這是最後一次在香港的機會了。
Date: Jan 7 & 8. 2012 (Sat & Sun)
Fees: HK$4,800 (Before Nov 25. 2011, HK$3,600)
費用:HK$4,800 (2011年11月25日前報名HK$3,600)
Kamal Bhatia is a life coach, motivational speaker, training workshop designer and facilitator. He is a votary of inner peace & joy. He is also the creator of many seminars. Some of those being, “Yes I can, I will”, “Joyous relationships for all”, “Enriched life with Peace, Joy, Prosperity principles”, etc.
He is a certified trainer for “Clear to Manifest” with Effortless Prosperity. Kamal Bhatia 是一個生命的教練,激勵人心的演說家,工作坊設計師和推動者。他是內在和平與喜悅的追隨者,也創造了許多研討會,其中包括:「是的,我可以,我會」、「所有人可以有歡愉的關係」、「以和平、歡樂、富足的原則豐盛人生」等等。 他是經過美國 Effortless Prosperity 認證的「實現豐盛」導師。 |

| Ivy Ng (吳聖珊) Clear to Manifest Trainer and Coach (by Effortless Prosperity) Effortless Prosperity 認可導師和認可諮商師 Ivy, one of the most diligent disciples of Effortless Prosperity, has started to practiced Effortless Prosperity in the last five years. In short time, she has attended many of Bijan’s seminars. As the chief translator for Chinese book of Effortless Prosperity Book 1, she is dedicated to demonstrate how prosperity is manifested effortlessly. 吳聖珊是《輕鬆富足》其中一個最勤奮的弟子。在實習《輕鬆富足》短短五年間,她出席了很多個Bijan的研討會。作為中文書《豐盛絕不費勁》的首席翻譯,她致力於示範富足是如何輕鬆地呈現。 |
Effortless Success
Tel: 852-8106-6567 |