Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2012consists of Writer Professional, Presentation Professional and Spreadsheet Professional.This new version of Kingsoft Office Suite software has added exciting new features and it could help you to create excellent documents in an convenient way. |
I am looking for an alternative to the Microsoft's Office package and I really like your product!! |
Regular:US$69.95 Now:HK$310 (US$39.95)
Kingsoft Writer Professional 2012 |
Kingsoft Writer Professional 2012 is dependable and fast word processing software that is highly compatible with Microsoft Word, and can read and edit DOC and DOCX formats. |
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Kingsoft Spreadsheets Professional 2012 |
Kingsoft Spreadsheets Professional 2012 is flexible and powerful worksheet software for making and editing spreadsheet.It can fulfill both your personal data-analysis needs, and those more professional data processing tasks. |
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Kingsoft Presentation Professional 2012 |
Kingsoft Presentation Professional 2012 is PPT files creator which supports creating and editing MS PPT document. It includes all of the industry-standard features for presentation software. |
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Highly Compatible with Microsoft Office Formats
Open, view and edit Word/Excel/Powerpoint (97/2000/2003/2007/2010) .doc, .docx, .wps and .wpt formats/.xls, .xlsx, .et and .ett formats/ .ppt, .pptx, .dps and .dpt formats; create, edit and save (97/2000/2003) .doc, .wps and .wpt formats/ .xls, .et and .ett formats/.ppt, .dps and .dpt formats.
Convert Office Documents into PDF Formats
Use the built-in PDF converter to easily convert office documents, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files, into the PDF format. Save& convert Kingsoft Writer (DOC, DOCX), Spreadsheets (XLS, XLSX), Presentation (PPT, PPTX)files (as)into PDF files.
Multiple Tabs - Manage Office Files More Conveniently
Use the multiple tabs function to quickly find the correct document or sheet. Allows you to open more than one document within a single interface, preventing you from having to open multiple windows for multiple pages.
Automatic Spell Check When You Write Office Document
In Kingsoft Office Suite, a spell check feature which can help you to proofread your office document has been added. It can automatically check your spelling while you work on the office word document.
Set Encryption to Protect Your Office Files
An encryption function is offered as part of Office Professional that allows you the option to better protect your files. Encrypted documents cannot be opened or modified by anyone else.
Small Installation Package -Runs Faster
Kingsoft Office Suite is much smaller than most other office suites. By taking up less space on the computer, it allows your computer to operate faster and more efficiently.
Kingsoft Office 2010 為您打造完美優化、全功能的辦公平台。 Kingsoft Office 2010 具備各種日常所需功能,當中的三大文件處理軟體: Writer (文書處理) Spreadsheets (試算表)、Presentation (簡報),令您在製作文檔時更得心應手,帶來更高效的應用體驗。 |
立即購買,體驗 KINGSOFT Office 2010 的高兼容度所帶來的方便! |
正價:HK$543 折扣價:HK$310

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Kingsoft Writer 2010 - 文書處理 |
功能卓越的文件處理軟件,透過完整的撰寫工具、熟悉的工作介面及操作方法,使用戶能夠快速輕鬆地製作出高質素的文件。 |
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Kingsoft Spreadsheets 2010 - 試算表 |
簡單易用的介面、升級圖表及PDF檔案輸出格式,是在要求高效率及精確的工作環境中,分析及處理數據的不二之選。 |
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Kingsoft Presentation 2010 - 簡報 |
大量的進階功能有效地製作、打開或修改投影片,配以慣用的操作介面,讓用戶更能得心應手地建立精美的簡報。 |
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Kingsoft Office 2010 (KSO 2010) 包括三套功能強大的文件處理軟件 – Writer (文書處理)、Spreadsheets (試算表)及Presentation (簡報) ﹔支援當今大部份辦公室軟件格式, 如 Open document 及 MS Office,可直接開啟及編輯檔案內的文件,並儲存為 doc、xls、ppt、pdf等格式,兼容度極高 ﹔沿用慣有的介面,用戶無需為適應問題而操心。
透過安裝一些與Microsoft Office 2003相類似的選單、工具列等,KSO 2010 為舊有MS Office用戶提供了一個熟悉的工作介面,減低用戶在面對新操作環境時所受的影響,可隨心使用所有的功能。
儲存格式包括 .doc (Writer)、.xls (Spreadsheet)、.ppt (Presentation)、.pdf ﹔在KSO 2010 內所製作的所有文件,無論對方是KSO用戶或是其他辦公室軟件的用戶,相同的儲存格式能使雙方暢通無阻地溝通。
VBA 功能 (只適用於企業版)
Visual Basic For Application簡稱VBA,是一個程式語言,可以編寫巨集程式。通常把那些能自動執行某種操作的命令統稱為"巨集"。
Microsoft Windows 7 認証
KSO 2010通過微軟的Microsoft Windows 7認証 (兼容 Windows 7)﹔即使將現有的電腦升級或購買新電腦,用戶也可放心繼續使用。
每當有新的程式時,即於線上自動進行升級,用戶可第一時間享用到Kingsoft Office的最新版本,快人一步。
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