立即參與6月17日e-Commerce盛事 (看不到此電郵請按此) |
Internet 過去15年與未來5年的發展 |
90年代末,互聯網突破性發展造就很多著名網站的掘起,第一代紅人如 YesAsia.com 就是亞洲娛樂產品的領導資源網站。當時香港企業不再滿足於發展本土市場,而是對整個亞洲市場蠢蠢欲動,一眾商家開始渴求安全的網上付款服務如2000年創立的 AsiaPay。董建華提倡高科技,可惜香港科網股爆破,前朝「遺民」還有沒有戲? 為配合e-Commerce的急速成長,市場策劃員都開放接受傳統宣傳工具以外的選擇,如 SEM、SMS 及電郵,Spread 就是06年香港首間 web-based 電郵推廣服務商。正藉中國經濟强勁增長,很多本地 IT公司都向中國發展。
到了2010年,由於本土宣傳成本尚比外國低,有IT實力的商家如 BEECRAZY 趨谷網購熱潮並形成 online to offline 運作模式。內地商務亦發展不俗,加上托運服務發展成熟,港商亦樂於北移掘金。但到了近代,也冒出不少網站主活躍於港、外地區,如廣為人知的娛樂資訊網 9GAG,還是以英語市場滋養。香港還是高科技創業的好土壤嗎? 未來5年的發展有甚麼變化、能為港商帶來多少商機?
由香港中文大學創業研究中心的 Mingles Tsoi 為論壇作主持,並邀請投資方客觀講述前景意願,希望身為港商一份子的你一同參與這項盛事。 |
日期 : |
9:00 AM – 17:30 PM, 17 June 2014 (Tue) |
地點 : |
InnoCentre九龍塘創新中心 (地圖) |
對象及人數: |
香港出口商/ 貿易商/ 製造商/ 品牌商 (400 人) |
費用: |
6月10日之前報名港幣100元,之後港幣200元 |
查詢及報名 : |
+852 3590 4869 | spread@reasonable.hk | 按此報名 |
* 限定人數400,先到先得。 |
Dr. Samson Tam, JP - Founder of INSTANT-DICT Ltd
Samson Tam is a home-grown IT man with an international orientation, with a bachelor degree from CUHK and a doctorate from Hong Kong Polytechnic. In 1989, at age 24, he successfully launched his first invention. By 1993, Tam’s company, with him as Chairman, was listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. Tam himself was named one of the “Ten Outstanding Young Persons” in year 1997. He was an elected member of Legislative Council of Hong Kong (Information Technology, 2008-2012) and is now a member of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Chairman of the Technology Development Committee of the FHKI and a member of the Hong Kong Business Angel Network (HKBAN).
Topic: Entrepreneurship and Angel Investment in e-commerce start-ups
Joseph Chan - CEO and founder of Asia Pay Ltd
Joseph founded AsiaPay Group in Hong Kong in August 2000, now its being the leading ePayment service and technology player in Asia currently covering 10 countries with 12 country operation throughout Asia. AsiaPay serves as accredited payment processor and payment gateway vendor for banks, certified IPSP for merchants, certified international 3-D Secure vendor for Visa, MasterCard, American Express and JCB. Under Joseph’s leadership, AsiaPay has innovated comprehensive range of ePayment products and has formed array of strategic partnership in the industry throughout Asia. Over years, AsiaPay receives various international and local industry awards in recognition of its outstanding accomplishment in ePayment industry.
Topic: Unleash the e-Payment Development and Opportunities in Asia-Pacific |
Alan Wo - CEO and founder of Reasonble Software House Ltd
is the Founder of Reasonable Software House who owns “Reasonable
Spread”, one of the largest email marketing software and service
providers in Hong Kong and South China. He worked in IT, online
marketing and e-commerce for 10 years; and has been invited as speaker
at various seminars and paid courses in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou,
Beijing, and Shanghai.
Topic: |
1. Latest trend and technique in mobile email marketing in 2014
2. What’s new in Spread, mobile email marketing software as service
3. Introducing Adsmart – email ad network |
Harry Lui - Co-founder of Smark Global (Holding) Ltd
graduated from the Department of e-commerce, City University and then
got a Master Degree of Knowledge Management in Hong Kong Polytechnic
University. Harry has over 10 years experience of IT, e-commerce, sales and
management. In Harry's early years, he worked in the retail
and exhibition industry and has much experience in this industry. Now he
is a visiting lecturer of the Business School in Hong Kong Institute of
Vocational Education. In addition to the proactive sales and retail
management knowledge and experience, Harry also specializes in areas
such as information technology management and development.
Topic: O2O企業重生之路
Matthew Kwan - Principal Consultant of Adams Company Ltd
Matthew Kwan is the Principal Consultant of Adams (www.adamshk.com) responsible in Branding, Business Consulting and Enterprise Trainings. Matthew is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, lecturer and consultant working with large enterprises and organizations in diverse industries. He served for many years in multi-national companies including Intel, JP Morgan and Jardines and has broad experience in sales & marketing and management in multicultural and international settings.
Topic: Winning Customers in MobileAGE! (贏盡「M-世代」顧客)
Jeffrey Hui - Managing Director, InnoSights Limited / Vice Chairperson, Hong Kong Institute of Marketing.
凌羽一老師 (Jeffrey Phoenix HUI) 現為香港市務學會副主席、創智市場策略有限公司(InnoSights Limited)董事總經理、鳳凰智庫創會主席、持續進修聯盟理事等。凌氏為商業實戰教育家,專研個人及企業成功學、策略品牌管理及策略銷售學,先後任教於香港中文大學、香港理工大學及珠海學院。凌氏曾獲邀往多家企業提供品牌、營銷、培訓顧問服務,當中包括: L’Oreal、美寶蓮、Garnier、Gillette、3M、Venus、GSK、輝瑞、雀巢、HSBC、國泰航空、英之傑集團等,著有《贏銷策略》、《商識滿天下》及《讓品牌「飛」!── 策略數碼及社交媒體營銷實戰手冊》等。
Topic: |
Let Our Brand FLY! - Strategic Digital and Social Media Marketing
讓品牌「飛」!── 策略數碼及社群營銷 |
e-Commerce FORUM |
時間 : |
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM |
論壇主題 : |
Internet過去15年與未來5年的發展 |
主持人 : |
Mingles Tsoi - 香港中文大學創業研究中心 |
參與討論嘉賓 : |
Dr. Samson Tam, JP - Founder of INSTANT-DICT
Felix Lam - Serial entrepreneur, Angel investor, Startup mentor and Managing Director at Red Chapel Advisors
Joseph Chan - CEO and founder of Asia Pay
Alan Wo - Founder of Reasonable Software
電話查詢: +852 3590 4869
電郵查詢: Spread@reasonable.hk
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