[ 中小企資源服務網 ] 贊助
 |  | Date | : | 22 August 2012 (Wednesday) | 日期 | : | 2012年8月22日 (星期三) |  |  |  | Time | : | 9:00 am to 6:00 pm | 時間 | : | 上午9時至下午6時 |  |  |  | Venue | : | Function Room, Core F, Level 3, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road | 地點 | : | 香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座(F區)3樓 會議廳 | | |  |
| Keep abreast of the market Seize online business opportunities 緊貼市場 掌握網上商機
The Internet market is rapidly changing in recent years, resulting in the emergence of new technologies and new modes of marketing. The revolution in technology stimulates the creation of infinite number of new ideas and developments. “2012 Digital Marketplace Seminar - Creating New Online Business Frontiers” will present to you the new trend of digital market from different perspectives, including the recent IPv6 development, new business opportunities brought by mobile social media, cloud computing and the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon. Besides, the aging population in Hong Kong will give rise to many online business opportunities in the so-called “silver hair” market.
How can SME get prepared for the ever-changing Internet market, make effective use of resources and innovate with their boundless imagination, in order to generate new ideas to open up new business frontiers? This must-attend full day Seminar will feature market leaders and professionals to share their views on the emerging trends and current best practices, enabling enterprises to break through the traditional constraints. 近年,互聯網市場急速變化;新技術、新模式不斷湧現。科技的變天帶來無限新景象、新意念及新發展。「2012 數碼市場 - 開創網上營商新領域」研討會與您全方位探討數碼市場趨勢,包括IPv6新階段;流動社交媒體、雲端運算及自攜裝置帶來的新機遇;再者,香港人口持續老化衍生出龐大的「銀髮族」網上商機。中小企如何在瞬息萬變的市場蓄勢待發,有效運用資源,發揮無限創意,以互聯網新思維開創營商新領域﹖中小企不能錯過的全日講座帶來不同行業的專家以及領先企業互相交流,分享成功實例經驗及網上營商貼士,助企業跳出傳統框框!
| Topics 講座內容
Digital lifestyle, the business value of IPv6 and its new applications, online business opportunities in the “silver hair” market, the power of Cloud Computing, consumer social networks and its market trends, mobile market opportunities and sharing of successful cases. 數碼生活、IPv6的商業價值及最新應用、「銀髮族」的網上商機、雲端運算的威力、消費者社交網絡及市場趨勢、流動市場商機以及企業成功個案。 | | Rundown 程序表(TBC) | 09:15 – 9:45 | Reception and Registration 接待與登記 | 09:45 – 10:00 | Opening Speech by Mr. Daniel Lai - Government Chief Information Officer, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer 政府資訊科技總監賴錫璋先生致開幕辭
| 10:00 - 11:15 | The business value of IPv6 and its new applications (Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited) IPv6的商業價值及最新應用 (香港數碼港管理有限公司) | | Online business opportunities in “silver hair” market (Cyber Senior) 「銀髮族」的網上商機 (老友網) | | The Power of Cloud Computing (adidas Group) 雲端運算的威力 (adidas 集團)
| 11:15 - 11:40 | Coffee Break 茶點 | 11:40 - 12:30 | Consumer social networks and its market trends (Adams Company Limited) 消費者社交網絡及市場趨勢 (白武士有限公司) | | Leveraging mobile opportunity in your business (Google, Hong Kong) 善用流動商機開拓市場 (谷歌香港) | 12:30 - 13:00 | Panel Discussion 現場討論 | 13:00 - 14:15 | Lunch 午膳 | 14:15 - 14:45 | New Generic Top Level Domains (Mr. Jonathan Shea - CEO, HKIRC) 新通用頂級域名(香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司行政總裁謝達安先生)
| 14:45 - 17:15 | Case Sharing 企業個案分享 |  | Darizi.com.hk; Gotrip.hk; Timable.hk; Soliton.hk | 17:15 - 17:45 | Panel Discussion 現場討論 | 17:45 - 17:55 | Presentation of Souvenirs and Lucky Draw 致送紀念品及大抽獎 | | Click here to register on or before 10 August 2012 (Friday). Seats are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Attendees will receive an e-notification confirming their seats. (They can also redeem free lunch and free shuttle bus with the e-notification)
請於2012年8月10日(星期五)或之前登記參加。座位有限,先到先得。 與會者將收到電子通知書確認其座位,並可憑通知書換取免費午餐及穿梭巴士接送。 | |  | Enquiry 查詢 Tel 熱線︰2319 3828 / 2319 3839 E-mail電郵︰marketing@hkirc.hk | |  | | |
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