Dear Friend, Greetings to you! I feel good writing to you again. We had 2 very successful classes of “Strategy of e-Marketing & Social Media Marketing” happened in the last 2 months at the Mira Hotel Hong Kong with overwhelming responses of over 30 people attended each time. We decided to re-run the training for the third time on Oct 13, 2011 at the Mira again. Please feel free to forward to your friends who maybe interested for us.

A topic we talk a lot these days is “Are you REALLY FAMOUS online?” You can be very famous in general and everyone may know your brand or company but yet you can still be NOBODY on the internet!!! Let me give you a quiz to ask yourself to see how FAMOUS are you really on the internet? Assuming you are a brand/company focusing China Market or Tourists coming from China? - Can you find your company/brand names on first page of paid advertisements or natural search results of when you input them in English and/or Simplified Chinese?
- Can you find accounts or pages (公共主頁) of your company/brand names on when you input them in English and/or Simplified Chinese?
- Can you find accounts or pages (企業版) of your company/brand names on when you input them in English and/or Simplified Chinese?
- Can you find videos (TVC’s or Product Demos…etc) about your company/brand names on when you input them in English and/or Simplified Chinese?
What I have listed here are the FOUR of the most important websites in China:
- Baidu is No.1 Search Engine in China (Vs. Google in rest of the world)
- RenRen is No.1 Social Network in China (Vs. Facebook in rest of the world)
- Weibo is No.1 Micro-blogging Network in China (Vs. Twitter in rest of the world)
- Youku is No.1 Video Broadcasting Portal in China (Vs. YouTube in rest of the world)
I personally believe, if you are REALLY FAMOUS online, you need to be found at least on these BIG FOUR categories of networks of the specific country where your target customers are located. For example, in Hong Kong if you are targeting Chinese based customers, we are talking about, Facebook, Weibo and YouTube. Obviously, it is not as simple as just appearing on these BIG FOUR websites as we are yet disregarding the collective effects of the blogs and discussion forums! Nonetheless, it is the most simplest way to start doing a REALITY CHECK!
However, you may argue that it is only applicable for B2C business but not for B2B business! What would you think if you repeat the same exercise with your competitor’s names and brands, then you find out the results are better than yours? I think it is fair to consider you just need to compare with companies of your same category!
In the last couple of years Adams has helped different companies to increase their "Online Presence" and "Online Branding". It is really a PR activity but we are talking about the media is the internet. Sometimes, you need to be extremely cautious about what is happening on the internet as your competitors may do very harmful actions to you without notice!! Hence, you need some mechanism to help you to do the job!
We are happy to tell you that Adams is partnering with companies to conduct market research for our customers to evaluate the “Online Presence” or “Online Branding” of any given company or brand names by gathering the results from the major social media networks, blogs, forums and etc.

By intelligent knowledge database categorization, we are helping customers to define news and messages appearing on the internet are giving them “positive” or “negative” impact.

We are exciting to see this happen as there are no such benchmarking standards available to these dates but the increasing demand for such requirement is high! The exciting thing is you can also measure your regional presence in Greater China.
 We really hope these kind of service may help us all marketeers to have a better way to manage our brands on the internet and be more objectively measuring the success together!
I look forward to connecting with you again soon!
Best regards, Matthew Kwan
Principal Consultant Adams Company Limited
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