聆聽過去 道出未來

人生有多少個十年?快把握機會,立即報名參加第十屆香港社會企業挑戰賽!你將有機會與商界、政府和 非牟利機構合作,透過營商創造社會價值。


兩支冠軍隊伍各可獲高達HK$300,000的啟動獎金,實踐參賽計劃。兩支亞軍隊伍可獲獎金高達 HK$150,000。

Stories of the past tell the future

How many decades of life can we have? Grab the chance and join the 10th Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (HKSEC)! You will have the chance to work with partners from the government, the business sector and NGOs to plan businesses that create social value.

Startup Awards

Two Champion Teams will be offered Startup Awards of up to HK$300,000 per team to turn their business ideas into reality. Two Runner-up Teams will receive up to HK$150,000 per team.

HKSEC 2016 開幕匯演
HKSEC 2016 Inauguration Show

二汶及一眾嘉賓將以音樂、沙畫、舞蹈及他們的故事, 啟動第十屆香港社會企業挑戰賽。
Eman and our guests will kick-off the 10th HKSEC with music, sand-painting, dance performance and their stories.

10 Sep 2016 (Sat) 14:30 – 17:00

嘉賓 Guests: 林二汶 Eman Lam, Mark CHENG (Director, Ashoka), 展能藝術天使 ADA Angels

地點 Venue: 香港中文大學逸夫書院大講堂 Lecture Theatre, Shaw College, CUHK

語言 Language: 粵語為主, 設有英語及香港手語即時傳譯 Cantonese with English and HKSL simultaneous interpretation

Coaches depart from Kowloon Tong.
For more details, please visit our official sites:
Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (HKSEC) is the first and only inter-collegiate social venture plans competition in Hong Kong. With the aim to promote social innovation, we invite you to apply a creative entrepreneurial approach to solve the pressing social problems. Training and mentorship will be provided to help you bring the idea to life. Registration starts in September this year.

Enquiry: 3943 1649 | info@hksec.hk