Dear Past HKSEC Participants,

You are invited to attend the Civil Society Salon - Change the World in 45 Minutes by Mr. Michael Norton. Mr. Norton is a social entrepreneur and activist who set up the Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action, where he has initiated a raft of innovative projects worldwide. He is also the author of "365 Ways to Change the World” (which has been published in many editions around the world), “The Everyday Activist” and numerous books on fundraising.

Civil Society Salon - Change the World in 45 Minutes
16 May, 2011 (Mon)
Time :
4:30pm – 6:00pm
Venue :
Conference Room 506, Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK
Registration: Please email your name and dept/organization to

Best Regards,
Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge
Phone: 2696-1967