呼籲通告 Appeal Notice
香港樂施會 與 香港無國界工程師合辦:
Oxfam & EWB-HK:
Assessment of Damages Caused by Typhoon Parma in the Philippines and Subsequent Field Technical Supports
致「人道工程師及專業人員」/ EWB-HK會員:
1. 義務工作內容: 前往位於馬尼拉(Manila)以北、碧瑤市(Baguio)以南受災的邦雅斯蘭省(Pangasinan)評估當地受颱風影響而破壞的堤壩及道路情況。(其中包括四個城鎮)。
2. 預計所需時間: 當地仍然有五個風暴在醞釀,所以志願者需要避開惡劣天氣方能出發及作考察,預料需停留一個星期。
3. 當地情況: 由馬尼拉出發到邦雅斯蘭需五小時車程,道路交通暫時還不受影響。
4. 交通及住宿: 交通及住宿將由香港樂施會安排,當地亦會有由香港出發之志願者駐留當地,當地路道和住宿環境可能比較差劣,需作適當準備。
5. 費用: 我們歡迎志願者能夠自資前往是次行程。若情況不許可,香港樂施會及無國界工程師亦會考慮根據實際情況為志願者提供支助安排。
如欲報名或垂詢,請即電郵至 info@ewb.hk或與 Jim Chan聯絡(電話:82006332)。
Invited by Oxfam Hong Kong, we are making an appeal to professional engineers (particularly for Civil / Structural engineers) as volunteer, go to the Philippines to make assessment of damages caused by Typhoon Parma and the subsequent technical support. If any professional with other disciplines is also interested in joining the volunteer work, you are welcome to send your information to us.
Summary of main points is as follows:
1. Work Required: To assess the damages to dykes & roads in the province of Pangasinan, north of Manila and south of Baguio, Philippines (covering around 4 towns);
2. When: As there are five more storms brewing, we have to go on days clear of bad weather or else nothing can be done. Expected to spend a week there;
3. Local Conditions: 5 hour’s drive from Manila to Pangasinan. Roads are still accessible;
4. Transport/Accommodation: To be arranged by Oxfam HK as they have staff member stationing there. Be prepared for poor road and accommodation conditions;
5. Expenses: It will be perfect if the volunteers cover their own expenses. If not, Oxfam HK or EWB may consider footing the bills.
Background Information:
Philippines was hard hit by Typhoon Ketsana which caused wide spread damages in areas around Manila and then Typhoon Parma. The Philippine government made an appeal to international organizations and many responded including Oxfam UK and they are now working around Manila. Since available resources is inadequate to handle the required works in Pangasinan, additional technical support to Oxfam HK is required. Hence, EWB-HK co-operated with Oxfam HK to invite appropriate Humanitarian Engineers and Professionals or other relevant volunteers from other professional disciplines, to join and support this urgent needs
For application and query, please e-mail info@ewb.hk or contact Jim Chan at (Tel:82006332).
Engineers Without Borders (Hong Kong)
18 October 2009
Email: info@ewb.hk Website: www.ewb.hk Tel:(852)8200 6332 Fax:(852)2903 0089
Address: 10-A, Times Media Centre, 133 Wanchai Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔道133號10A室
Notice: PAN200910-01