Dear EWB-HK members:
Forward Message from Department of Real Estate and Construction
New Bud with Lightness
An alternative approach for redevelopment and its first application in Sichuan quake area
Seminar by:
Prof. ZHU Jingxiang, School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chinese University of Hong Kong team took 2 weeks to builda durable Eco School for Quake Sichuan with an innovative light weight structure system in August of 2009. The 450-sqm school with a name ”New Bud” provides 5 classrooms for kindergarten and primary school.
The project was conceived, developed and implemented by Prof. Zhu Jingxiang and his Ph.D. student Mr. Xia Heng, with an aim on meeting comprehensive redevelopment needs on structure, thermal comfort, durability, construction speed, cost effectiveness and a spatial and formal quality. A post-occupancy evaluation proved satisfactory results. The “New Bud” also witnessed an innovative construction
product process which designed it in Hong Kong, manufactured in Shenzhen, and assembled in Sichuan quake area. In this lecture, Professor ZHU Jingxiang will introduce this project, its research process and his thoughts on design, society and product future.
Researchers or students who are looking at sustainable development, redevelopment, architecture-engineering-construction integration, lean construction, lightweight structure, and related areas will find this lecture of particular interests.
About the speaker:
Before joining CUHK in 2004, professor ZHU Jingxiang worked as a distinctive practicing architect in Mainland China for nearly 10 years. His current research is focusing on new type of space structure, design integrity, cost-effective building and lightweight materials.
Time: 8:00pm-9:30pm
Date: 9th –Mar-2010 (Tue)
Venue: K526, Knowles Building, Dept. of Real Estate and Construction,
The University of Hong Kong (Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong)
Registration Instruction:
Registration is not required. All are welcome.
For enquiry:
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Dr. Wilson
Lu by email at wilsonlu@hku.hk