Very few people like to really think about what might happen in times of trouble or what can happen in times of either your death or that of a husband or wife.
Here are some hard hitting questions to consider:
· If Lifer Cover were free, how much would you have?
· If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, how much insurance would you buy today?
· How much income does your family need to pay the monthly bills, buy food etc?
· If the primary income earner died tomorrow, where would that money come from?
· What have you planned in case you died tonight?
· If you’ve made no provisions, how would your widow/widower plan for the family’s future without any money to budget with?
· How would you feel if you knew they would have to lower their living standards?
· What have you planned in case you were diagnosed with a critical illness and unable to work?
· If you were permanently disabled and had no money coming in, what would you give up first...?
· .....and then what would you give up?
· Which would you rather lose: your home, or your mortgage if you were diagnosed with a critical illness?
· How would you feel if you/your family had to rely on charity or welfare?
· You’ve insured your house and contents, you’ve insured your car, how much do you think you should insure the person who pays the contributions for?
The list of questions can go on and on!
Now if you are happy with the truthful replies that you have give then I must congratulate you. If you are not happy then my advice is simple. Seek professional advice as soon as you can to explore the options available to you. If you wish to discuss any points raise with me I will be glad to clarify any issues with you, either call me on 2522 5488 or email .
Kindest regards,