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暑假将至,每年暑假总有很多年青学生趁着悠长假期出外打工,ICTI CARE提醒工厂在招聘他们的时候要记住下面几点,确保劳资双方的权益都受到保护:

1.      工厂要确保所招的暑期工年满16周岁或以上,并且要注意他们的工作安全。如果所招的暑期工为青年工(年满十六周岁,未满十八周岁), 工厂必须对他们采取特殊劳动保护措施,例如不能安排他们从事危害性工作。(详见<<禁止使用童工规定>>及<<未成年工特殊保护规定>>)

2.      为了维护双方利益,工厂必须跟暑期工签订劳动合同, 详细列明工作时间,劳动报酬,工作岗位及其他工作条件等。 (详见《劳动合同法》)

3.      暑期工的基本工资水平不得低于当地最低工资要求,工厂并须按照劳动法规定支付加班费,所有加班须是自愿的。

4.      如果暑期工是透过劳务派遣公司招聘,那么工厂必须确保劳务派遣公司招是有合法注册的劳务派遣公司招,并同时确保被派遣的暑期工跟劳务派遣公司签订了劳动合同,合同应清楚载明被派遣劳动者的用工单位、派遣期限及工作岗位等情况。合同的所有条款都必须是附合法规的。


5.      工厂必须直接发放工资或经银行户口直接过户至暑期工名下, 不管是学生工、暑假工、临时工或中介工人,绝对不能通过任何第三方发放。(详见ICTI“关爱“程序地区指引第3.11条)

6.      工厂应保存所有有关暑期工的记录(工资、考勤、体检、健康及其他人事记录),确保在审核时随时能够提供给审核人员查阅。

B.   ICTI “关爱”程序 “您该知道的”卡

早前我们已发出通知,请所有工厂在其更新证书时把”您该知道的”卡派发给全体工人。我们须提醒工厂,如果您在今年六月一日以后成功更新证书,或是您是在考察期(probation),即贵厂必须立即把”您该知道的”卡派发给全体工人,如果您仍未如此做,请立即进行。我们会开始安排突击的审核,以确定工厂有进行相关安排。有关安排的要求,详见”ICTI’关爱’程序对于’您该知道的’卡、海报及工人热线的要求” (只提供英文版)

工厂可以向我们购买卡和海报,每包港币65元 (每包有500张卡及5张海报)。请尽快联络我们的办公室(电邮; 电话:+852 21112462)以安排购买。




Christian Ewert
国际玩具工业理事会 “关爱”基金会

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your continuing support for the ICTI CARE Process. There are two issues we want to bring to your attention:

A.   Summer Student Workers
The summer holidays start soon and many young students will be seeking jobs. We want to remind factories of a few important issues when it comes to hiring young or student workers:   

1.      Factories must ensure that all students they hire are at least 16 years old and that they need to pay special attention to the safety of their working conditions.  If the student workers are young workers (meaning they are over 16 but below 18 years old) factories must provide them with sufficient and effective protective equipment and must not arrange for them to work in hazardous situations. (For details, please refer to the Regulations on the Prohibition of Child Labour and the Regulations for the Special Protection of Juvenile Employees)

2.      To protect the interests of yourselves and those of the student workers, please ensure that you sign contracts with all of them and list all necessary details (e.g. working hours, wages, position and other working conditions) as detailed in the Labor Contract Law.

3.      The wage payable to student workers must at least meet the local legal minimum wage requirement and all overtime hours are to be voluntary and will need to comply with the legal overtime pay requirement as specified in the Labor Law and relevant regulations.  

4.      If the student workers are recruited through labor-dispatch agencies, factories must also ensure that the agencies are legally registered and that the labor contracts they have signed with the student workers also include clear statements about the workplace to which they will be dispatched, the dispatch period and the work position, etc.  All statements in the contract must meet the relevant legal requirements.  Besides this, factories should also sign contracts with the agencies; these contracts should clearly state the number of workers, positions, period of service, the wage level and the social insurance arrangements for these workers.  No charges for the dispatch arrangements should be made to the dispatched workers by the agencies or the factories.  (For details, please refer to the Labor Contract Law, 5th chapter, second paragraph)    

5.      Factories must pay all workers directly or into a bank account under the workers’ name, no matter whether they are student workers, summer workers, temporary workers, or workers from an agency.  (Please refer to ICTI CARE Process Local Specific Guideline 2009 edition, article 3.11)   

6.      Factories must maintain all relevant records (wage, attendance, health and other personnel records) of the student workers, and ensure that they can be verified by auditors any time during an audit.     

B.   ICTI CARE Process “What You Should Know” Card

Since earlier this year, we have required all factories, upon their seal renewal, to distribute the “What You Should Know” cards to all workers.  We remind factories that if you have renewed your seal after June 1st this year, or if your factory is currently on probation, you should immediately distribute the cards to all workers if you have not done so already.  We will be arranging unannounced audits to ensure that factories have made the relevant arrangements.  For details of this requirement, please refer to the “ICTI CARE Process Requirements on 'What You Should Know' Card, Poster and Worker Hotline Training’ available on our website

The cards and posters are available at cost at HK$65 per pack (each pack contains 500 cards and 5 posters).  Please contact our office (email:; phone: +852 21112462) to arrange purchase as soon as possible.   

Thank you very much again for your support to the ICTI CARE Process. 

Yours faithfully,

Christian Ewert
President and CEO
The ICTI CARE Foundation 

ICTI CARE Foundation Asia Limited
6/F Unit 616, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2111 2462 Fax: +852-2111 2126