領事酒店為賓客提供非一般的酒店式住宅服務。有別於一般酒店或服務式公寓的拘冷淡,領事酒店為您精心設計時尚貼心之一站式服務;一切生活細節,均由專人為您打點。使您能細味在家千日好的感覺。 (按此了解更多房間實照及展覽會期間價格等)
另外,本酒店設有極具彈性之長租或短租服務,適合各商旅賓客之住宿需要。 (如:會展期間等…..!!!)
A warm and sincere welcome by Embassy Hotel (Service Apartment). We offer comfort and convenience with our traditional gracious hospitality. Unlike the very “typical” and “standardized” services of other hotels or serviced apartments in town, Embassy Hotel is dedicated to provide tour guests with tailor-made and personalized services. Throughout your stay, you will find our staff to be courteous and efficient.
We located at the heart of the Kowloon peninsula, one of the most colourful and vibrant commercial and shopping areas of this lively, cosmopolitan-- Hong Kong. Thanks to the convenient location of the hotel, all guests can easily access to the world-class commercial, entertainment, dinning and shopping facilities. You will surely have a nice great time during your stay.
Our fully furnished guestrooms are decorated stylishly with various themes. Room amenities include independent bathroom, air-conditioning, LCD TV. The hotel also provides access to broadband Internet, IDD telephone, tea/coffee facilities, hair dryer, and refrigerator.The Embassy Hotel is well served by a modernized public transport network. It is just a few minutes walk to the MTR, buses and taxi station as well as the Kowloon-Canton Railway Station, direct shuttle bus service which connects to the Airport and Mainland China.
The Embassy Hotel is well served by a modernized public transport network. It is just a few minutes walk to the MTR, buses and taxi station as well as the Kowloon-Canton Railway Station, direct shuttle bus service which connects to the Airport and Mainland China.
歡迎查詢及預訂 Booking & Inquiry:
房間實照Rooms Photo:

典雅美國房 Elegant in the U.S. housing |

可愛卡通房 Cartoon room |

可愛卡通房 Romantic charming French Room |
立即按此查看房間价目(會展價日租) Click here for Room Tariff (Rack rate per day during Exihibition period)
客戶分享:Guest Memory:
Venissa (VVVIP- Executive-Member)
她是來自台灣的白領麗人, 現於收讀 (MBA) 工管理碩士課程.因此每星期也來2天上課,每次也會選擇入住本酒店.因為她非常喜歡我們的房間“法 國 房”她覺得該房設計高雅,潔淨與及顏色給她浪漫+溫馨的感覺. 現時她 以提早預訂了未來2年入住我們之房間,直至她完成 (MBA) 課程為止.因為光臨她非常喜歡入住法國房所以獲 得本酒店給她“Franch Lady”之稱號.
She is white-collar Beauty from Taiwan, Hong Kong is now reading the master's degree (MBA) Master of Business Administration. Therefore, also came two days per week class, each will choose to stay at this hotel. Because she was very happy with our room "French room," she felt that the house design elegant, clean and and color to give her a romantic + warm feeling. She is now in order to advance reservations for the next two years of stay in our room, until she finishes her master's degree (MBA) program up. Because she was very much like to live in France to visit so get our hotel room to give her "azalea Madame" of the title.;
Miss Yeung (VVIP- Corporate-Member)
楊小姐-來自深圳一所國際企業的才女.現任職(Aktiv Global Insurance Agency Co. LTD)深圳市安德國際保險代理有限公司人事部門主管( Head Of Admin & HR dept).每月也來港工幹幾天,但她會選擇入住本酒店,因為她覺得我們酒店職員服務親切有禮,房間設備齊全.因此她獲我們給與她1 個維期3 年VVIP公司行政貴賓會值給她可以享有特別折扣,所以未來3年她及部門其下員工也會入住本酒店
Miss Yang is from Shenzhen, a talented woman from international companies. Is now working (Aktiv Global Insurance Agency Limited) Shenzhen International Insurance Agency Ltd. Andre personnel department director (based in the administrative and Human Resources). Workers in Hong Kong each month to dry a few days, but she would choose to stay at this hotel, because she felt the hotel staff friendly and courteous service, room well equipped. Therefore, we give her she was one-dimensional period of three years, a very senior officials will be the value of corporate executives to give her guests can enjoy special discounts, so the next three years, she and departments, its staff will stay at this hotel
Beautiful Memory From Guests溫 情 訪 客 回 憶
寶 貝 BB (加 拿 大) Baby BB (Canada)

開 心 少 女 組 (台 北) Happy Girl Group (Taipei) OL 訪 港 參 展 團 代 表 組 (海 南) OL participating delegates to visit Hong Kong Group (Hainan)
熱 情 外 藉 浪 子 組 代 表 (匈 牙 利)Enthusiasm loan Drifter Group Representative (Hungary)
立即按此查看房間价目(會展價日租)Click here for Room Tariff (Rack rate per day during Exihibition period)
歡迎查詢及預訂 Booking & Inquiry: