Software Direct Sales
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EZY Invoice 10 發票連倉存管理系統
High-Light Feature on EZY Invoice 10
Support Windows XP/ 2003 server/ Vista/ Windows 7 -
Support Multi-companies -
Maintains Sales, Receipt, Debtor, Customer, Vendor, Salesperson & Job/ Project database. -
Create & manage Quotation, Invoices, Credit/ Debit Memo (Notes), Delivery Order, Packing List, Proforma Invoice & Purchase Orders. -
Build In Functions on Import and Export (Master Information on Customer , Vendor, Stock Code) -
Maintain inventory list (with item image), track stock movement and stock on hand -
Track debtors (outstanding invoices) and customer payments. Accepts payment of multiple invoices and partial payments. -
Instant reports on sales (by customer, by account, by Invoice number, by job, by salesperson) -
Instant Monthly / Yearly Sales 3D Bar Chart presentation. -
Instant reports on receipts (by customer, by account). Receipt Summary of Account (for accountants) -
Instant reports on debtors (outstanding invoices, credit/ debit memos), detailed & summary ageing , customer statements. -
All reports are highly customizable.
Direct Purchase 直接網上購買

功能 :
1. 操作多公司
2. 可製作發票 / 報價單 / 客戶月結單 / 存貨記錄 ...
3. 發票 / 報價單 欄位可隨意移動、增加、刪減
4. 可以『轉換多張報價單為一張發票』
5. 客戶 / 供應商 / 貨品主檔 均可 匯入 及 匯出 至 EXCEL
6. 支援 PDF 格式
7. 可製作立體圖表,方便分析銷售情況
8. 適用於 Windows XP / Windows 2003 / Vista / Windows 7
9. 只提供英文介面
Direct Purchase 直接網上購買
PRO Version 1 User (with Inventory Mgt)
| |
其他軟件推介 :
EZY Call Manager 7 (Contact Management Software)
Free Download Zone 免費下載區 |
Business Advisor Service Co. 1801 Wing On Central Building, 26 Des Vouex Road C., Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2503 2568 Fax: 2503 5568 Email: info@bashk.org |