Now create your unique scene with our < Moleskine On The Move > Game Card, and upload your photographs with simple description to Moleskine Asia Facebook Fan Page on or before 15th August, 2011. You will have the chance to win all the Moleskine products that you have included in your scene!
現在剪下< Moleskine On The Move > 遊戲卡裡的Moleskine書寫、漫遊和閱讀系列圖案,運用豐富創意築起你獨特的場景,並於2011年8月15日前把街景的圖片連簡單描述上載至Facebook專頁,最精美的作品將會有機會得到所有於場景中出現的Moleskine產品!
These are some of the outstanding submissions we received:

Show your creativity: Submit your scene now!