NEW MOLESKINE BOOKS : Inspiration and Process in Architecture

Moleskine introduces "Inspiration and Process in Architecture", a collection of cloth-bound monographs exploring the design process of architects and witness the creative process starting from freehand drawing. The first four books feature interviews, biographies, and images from four international architects: Zaha Hadid, Giancarlo De Carlo, Bolles+Wilson and Alberto Kalach.
Moleskine呈獻全新《建築的靈感與歷程》布面專書系列探索建築師設計過程,及窺探由手繪開始的創作過程。系列首四本專書的主角為四位國際級建築師 Zaha Hadid、Giancarlo De Carlo、Bolles+Wilson和Alberto Kalch。內容包括面談訪問、建築師的個人傳記和作品繪圖 。
Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2004. Her work experiments with new spatial concepts, intensifying existing urban landscapes in the pursuit of a visionary aesthetic that encompasses all fields of design, ranging from urban-scale works through to products, interiors and furniture.
Zaha Hadid 於2004年獲頒授普立茲剋建築學奬。她是一位不停打破建築學和都市設計傳統風格的建築師。她的作品引用了嶄新的空間概念、加強現有都市景觀並追尋一種包含所有設計領域的美學,由都市的規模延伸至產品、室內設計和家具用品。她的著作包括維特拉消防站、Land Formation-One、Bergisel 跳高滑雪場、斯特拉斯堡火車站等等。
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In 1980, Julia Bolles-Wilson and Peter Wilson set up their architecture practice. The practice's main works include: the Suzuki House in Tokyo (the recipient in 1994 of the Gold Medal award from the Institute of Japanese Architects), the Public Library in Munster...
1980年,Wilson Partnership公司由Julian Bolles-Wilson 及Peter Wilson攜手成立。Bolles+Wilson的著名作品有:位於東京的Suzuki House (1994年獲頒日本建築學會的金奬)、敏斯特公共圖書館、盧森堡國家圖書館等等。Bolles+Wilson致力於荷蘭的城市規劃。
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Alberto Kalach
Alberto's concern about the emerging problems of that immense metropolis is reflected very often in his work, which embraces the city as a geographical whole. His designs have appeared in numerous specialist journals.
1960年,出生於墨西哥,並於Universidad Iberoamericana及紐約康乃爾大學畢業。Alberto在墨西哥生活和工作,他的作品反映了大都會潛藏的各種問題,亦表達了他對整個城市的熱愛。
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Giancarlo De Carlo
Giancarlo de Carlo (1919-2005) was an Italian architect, planner, writer and educator. He was one of the founding members of Team X. He has received a multitude of international awards, honorary degree and the Italian Republic's Gold Medal for Culture. His work has been featured in many solo exhibitions.
Giancarlo De Carlo (1919-2005) 是位意大利建著師、規劃師、作者和教育家。他是 "十人小組" (Team X)的其中一位創辦成員。於1993年,獲頒英國皇家建築師學會皇家金獎。他的作品曾於多個個人展覽展出。 1958-64期間,他提出烏爾比諾的總體規劃建議,該規劃亦在近40年一直沿用至今。
Explore more on Giancarlo De Carlo : Shop Now!
瀏覽更多有關 Giancarlo De Carlo : 立即購買!
Look into the creative process of architects now : Shop Now!
窺探國際建築師的創作過程 : 立即購買! |
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