In Feb 2012, we collected over 200 messages in stores and on our Facebook Fan Page. Most of the participants expressed their love for their families, friends and lovers through this event.
Using Moleskine notebooks and notecards, we invited artists from different cities in Asia to transform selected messages from words into unique gifts. Artworks are now exhibited in major bookstores and lifestyle stores in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. You can also see the artworks and messages in our online gallery:
Moleskine挑選出當中最有創意和最動人的故事,邀請到來自不同國家的藝術家,以Moleskine筆記本和禮卡作為材料,將這些個故事化成以 Moleskine 筆記本和禮卡製作成的獨特禮物。
Moleskine Messages Collection is a perfect platform for you to create a postal personalised gift. Be inspired and express your love in time!

Prepare a unique gift with Moleskine Messages Collection for your beloved now !: