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Vol: 209 | 1 Oct 2018 |
Enjoy music of the Autumn moon and falling leaves, meet the exotic Egyptian girl, and who is a virtuoso parent? |
Great Voices of the 20th Century
Spanish Singing School
At the Center of the Musical Universe
Giacomo Meyerbeer
Cello Concerto Overview
The Could Haves Part II
Event |
Oxford Lieder Festival
Founded in 2002 by the Artistic Director and pianist Sholto Kynoch, the event has become of the largest art song festivals in United Kingdom. With its focus on lieders and art songs, the programme embraces a variety of works across the European borders. Recitals, masterclasses, and talks are organized in various historical venues around Central Oxford... |
Date: October 12 to 27, 2018 Country: United Kingdom
What's New |
Music and Nature Seasons: Autumn |
“Where There Is No Wine There Is No Love” |
Autumn is crisp, it can be cold, it can be many things, but it’s the last signal of life before winter shuts everything down. Georgy Sviridov’s Otchalivshaya Rus‘ (Russia Adrift) is a 1977 setting of the poetry of Sergey Yesenin. His opening work in the 12-part song cycle is ‘Autumn,’ sets out the landscape of the approaching cold weather... |
You don’t have to look very hard to find references to the making and drinking of wine in music. Take for example Joseph Haydn’s oratorio The Seasons. Based on text by the Scottish poet James Thomson, “Autumn” erupts in a raucous choral celebration of wine. Haydn himself described the concluding section “as a drunken fugue...” |
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The Exotic Egyptian Girl |
The Virtuoso Parent |
The song Misirlou first hit the airways in 1927 and went on to capture an international audience. From this recording, which found its popularity in the US in the Greek/Armenian diaspora of the 1920s, started to appear in recordings of people from many different backgrounds... |
Don’t confuse the Virtuoso Parent (VP) with the Tiger Parent (or Tiger Mother). VPs know that too much pushing can be detrimental to the child’s progress, and that hot-housing, in any subject, may not be best for their child: equally, they understand that the right kind of support will help the child... |
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Ranzato: La preghiera della sera
Mahler: Symphony No. 7 |
Ravel: Piano Concerto in G Major
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