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Vol: 225 | 1 Jun 2019 |
Select perfect music for the Royal Baby, feel the weight of canonical music recordings, and why is music so magical? |
What Else Do You Do?
The Life of Performing Musicians
Dorothy Taubman
Playing with Ease and Freedom
Cooking with the Classics
What to Play for Your Eggs?
Event |
Festival de Saint-Denis
Held annually in Saint-Denis, a northern suburb of Paris, the festival is a major musical celebration featuring performances of classical music, rock, Irish folk, gospel and jazz. It is renowned for blending classical music programme with contemporary musical styles. Most of the concerts take place in the grand Légion d’Honneur or the famous Royal Cathedral Basilica... |
Date: May 31 to July 5, 2018 Country: France
What's New |
The Weight of History |
The Magic of Music |
Politicians talk a lot about the “weight of history” or of feeling “the hand of history on our shoulders”. As musicians we feel the weight of history too – through the many exceptional musicians who have gone before us and the fine recordings of the “great works” of the repertoire which serve as benchmarks for our own progress... |
Music may not be the oldest profession in the world, but it still hasn’t lost its magic. At five I received a fife as a birthday present. I thought it was a flute, it sounded like one. It gave me years of magical pleasure. I didn’t know how to play it, it just made magical sounds. I carried it with me everywhere and experimented... |
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Music for the Royal Babies |
Theodor Leschetizky For the Love of 4 Students
In addition to blanket press coverage, the birth of a Royal Baby has frequently been celebrated with music. That is, music especially composed to celebrate the birth or birthdays of royal additions. A more recent musical celebration fell upon Prince George, son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge... |
Theodor Leschetizky’s (1830-1915) unbelievable teaching career lasted the better part of 75 years! It is said that in excess of 1200 eager piano students passed through his studio, and that included piano superstars Schnabel, Gabrilovich, Friedman, Moiseiwitch, Yesipova, Vengerova, and countless others... |
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My music |
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Forgotten records |
Fuchs: Rush I. Evening |
Bach: Goldberg Variations BWV 988 (Glenn Gould) |
Vivaldi: Concerto in A minor Op. 3
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