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Vol: 114 | 15 Oct 2014
Discover Brahms’ “nightly concerts”,
enjoy an amusing time with Victor Borge,
and how do you like performing in music tour?
So You Want to
Play a Home Concert?
Inspiring and some
Infuriating memories
Inventing Abstraction
The Early Years I
Flutes From Little
to Large
The big family
Event |
London Song Festival
Founded in 2007 by the pianist Nigel Foster, the festival is dedicated to promoting the Song repertoire, which tends to receive less emphasis and appreciation in the world of vocal music generally dominated by opera... |
Date: October 16 to November 27, 2014, 2014
Country: United Kingdom
What's New |
Catching some Z’s
Johannes Brahms |
Tour ≠ Holiday! |
In May 1853, a young and dapper Johannes Brahms accompanied the highly acclaimed Hungarian violinist Eduard Reményi on a concert tour. They eventually caught up with the supremely acclaimed violinist Joseph Joachim in Hanover... |
I love travelling. And getting to play music while travelling is basically being on holiday, right? Not quite. The flights are booked; the concert’s in the diary; the audience have their tickets. Can you really relax knowing you’ve got an expectant audience to please? |
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Improvisation is Repetition |
Diversion of the Mind
Victor Borge |
In my previous article, I explained how improvisation is the basis for true creation. While creation implies the origin of something new, the process through which the improvisation leading to it develops is one of repetition. This seems paradoxical... |
I always find music a fun thing to do: musical instruments are ‘played’, and the word ‘music’ lends itself to other words like ‘amuse’. If ones looks up the meaning of ‘amusement’, one would find that one of the definitions says ‘the pleasurable occupation of the attention...’ |
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Enjoy |
My music |
Video |
Forgotten records |
Bach: Köthener Trauermusik
BWV 244a
Victor Borge -
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
piano jokes
Dvorak: Miniature
for two violins and
viola, op. 75a, Elégie
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