- 時昌迷你倉客戶可享有多種折扣優惠,例如: 實惠傢俬15%折扣現金券和免費環保袋,詳情可瀏覽。
- 請按時繳交租金,如有任何延遲,閣下將需要繳付每月$70的罰款。為方便顧客繳款,本公司接受多種的付款方法,詳情可瀏覽。
- 為了善用迷你倉空間及有條不紊地儲存各類物件,閣下可購買紙箱,鐵架和鎖頭。如有需要,歡迎您到我們服務櫃位向客戶服務主任尋求協助 ,詳情可瀏覽。
- 時昌迷你倉客戶 E-Payment App現已隆重推出,現有客戶可以更方便快捷地在智能手機上檢閱帳戶餘額及上載交租確認。
如閣下需要運輸服務,可以致電8177 7779和我們的運輸部同事聯絡。
- 當閣下決定停止租用我們的迷你倉,請在最少7日以前通知我們,亦煩請閣下在退倉時清理好和點算清楚個人物品
- 為了保障閣下利益,請不要隨便透露迷你倉大門密碼,及確保閣下迷你倉門已上鎖。如我們發現閣下倉門沒有上鎖,我們便會替閣下上鎖,以策安全。
- 介紹朋友租倉可免半月倉租 ! (需租3個以上)
- 預交半年租金享有97折優惠,預交一年更可享有93折優惠或者免費送貨服務 (所有預繳之款項,將一概不得退還)
- 為了方便與顧客聯絡, 若顧客的通訊地址, 聯絡電話及電郵有任何變動 ,請於7天內以任何形式通知我們以作更新。
- 泉源, 華威, 富華, 偉邦工業大廈, 大廈閘門開放時間由早上七時至晚上八時, 如客人欲於晚上八時後進倉, 請於下午六時前致電知會本公司熱線81777778或當值同事
- 為避免顧客因欠租而多付罰金。顧客如經銀行繳交倉租,請在入數紙上寫上倉號,並電郵致accounts@scstorage.com.hk 或 Fax回 30058505。 以便我們能即時為客人更新賬目。
由於倉務煩忙,如貴客須親臨門市交租,請提前一小時致電:81777778 預約。
倘若閣下是時昌迷你倉客戶,覺得可以向外界推薦, 請於時昌迷你倉Facebook專頁內撰寫一篇客戶心聲推介, 再EMAIL給我們,經核定後,可於下一個月扣減倉租HK$50。
如有任何查詢,請致電我們的客戶服務熱線8177 7778或電郵至info@scstorage.com
- 每位客人只可享用一次扣減。
- 時昌迷你倉保留最終之決定權。
- 有關投訴或意見,請直接email到info@scstorage.com
Annie Lau
Customer Service Manager
Dear Valued Customer
Welcome to SC Storage!!! We are honored to have your business and we shall try our best to serve your needs!
Here are a few reminders to get you started:
- Members of scstorage can enjoy a variety of discounts such as Pricerite 15% off coupons and free woven bag, for further information, please visit here.
- Please kindly pay rent on time. Late payment may incur a penalty fee for $HK 70 per month. Our company accepts various ty pe of payment method, For further information, please visit here.
- If you want to purchase boxes/ racks / locks to manage your stuffs before put them into your storage, you can come to our service counter to seek for help, for more infomation, please visit here.
- SC Storage E-payment app has been released, you can check your "account info", "payment history" or submit "payment receipt" on your smartphone. (For android users, please download here. For IOS users, please download here.)
If you wishes to inquire about our delivery service, please feel free to contact our transportation department at 8177 7779
- When you decided to leave our storage, please let us know 7 days in advance. Please remember to remove all the stuffs from your storage on the day that you are leaving.
- Please keep your storage being locked all the times. Storage which is unlock will be locked by our staff for the security reason. Please do not disclose the storage security information to others.
- Refer a friend to rent a storage room and get 1/2 month rent free. ( 3 mths rental require)
- Prepay 6 months get 3% discount, Prepay 12 months get 7% discount or Free moving services (All prepaid rent can not be refund)
- In order to communicate with the customer, If customer's address, contact number and email has any changed, please inform us to make the renewal within 7 days by any form of notice.
- The Building gates opening hour of Chuen Yuen,Wah Wai, Fou Wah and Wellpoint Industrial Building from 7:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m.. If Customers want to get in the storage at night, please inform our colleague before 6:00 p.m. The Company's hotline 81777778
In order to avoid the customer to pay the late charge, If customer like to pay the monthly rent from bank or on internet. Please write down your storage number in the pay slip, that fax to 30058505 or email to accounts@ scstorage.com.hk. So that we can renew your immediately.
Please make appointment before you go to the storage for rental payment. It can make our staff to serve you shortly.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at 8177 7778 or email us at info@scstorage.com
Thank you and best regards:
Annie Lau
Customer Service Manager