Dear Friends of C.A.B,
It is with some sadness that I have to announce that I am stepping down as Director of the Community Advice Bureau with effect from the end of this month.  I am leaving to spend more time in England with my family - very aged parents, grown up children and grandchild!   I have thoroughly enjoyed the last few years, working with our wonderful volunteers and very supportive Council.   It has been a very rewarding time, especially so because many of our friends and clients send us encouraging messages exhorting us to keep going with our unique service in these times where information is readily available on the internet.   There's nothing quite like the informative and friendly voice at the end of the phone - or email - that CAB provides.
I am delighted to announce that volunteer Bridget Salmon will be taking over from me - so do look out for future newsletters or announcements of fundraisers from her.
Many thanks to all of you for your continued support of CAB - particularly for attending the recent Jason Wordie talk in record numbers!
Very best wishes,
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Community Advice Bureau
1201A Hing Wai Building, 36 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 28155444 Website: