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  Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Greece remains, outlook uncertain
Parties supporting a bailout that would save Greece from bankruptcy won a slim parliamentary majority on Sunday, beating radical leftists who rejected austerity and bringing relief to the Eurozone which was braced for fresh financial turmoil...
Scottish independence on the horizon?
US companies looking to move operations to Scotland would see reduced taxes if the Scots approve a referendum, scheduled for autumn 2014, to secure independence from Britain...
Investors fear worse to come in Myanmar
In Yangon, Myanmar, decades-old ethnic divisions that have spawned the bloodiest clashes in years in remote areas are threatening to take the shine off the country's new image as Asia's next big frontier market...
Central banks prepare for worst
From Tokyo to London, central banks checked their ammunition on Friday in preparation for any backlash from Greece's election, with the European Central Bank hinting at an interest cut and Britain set to open its coffers...
  Featured Article
Surfing the waves of uncertainty 
Cody Farmer, Client Porfolio Manager of the Janus High Yield Fund tells BENCHMARK how this fund is ideally suited to succeed in times of volatility such as these with its nimble approach and methodical investment process...
 Featured Interview
Jason Lam recounts his competition experience and advisor philosophies.
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Soft US economy leaning towards Fed action
New claims for US state jobless benefits rose for the fifth time in six weeks and consumer prices fell in May, as signs of a weakening economy could prompt the US Federal Reserve into action...
Hong Kong's IPO market tumbles
After years of keeping the top spot for the amount of money raised from initial offerings world-wide, Hong Kong's stock exchange's hold on new shares has dropped sharply this year...
Emerging markets finally on the upturn
Investors, who until recently preferred cash to risky stocks, are once again buying shares in developing economies such as Brazil, Thailand and China as they take steps to stimulate growth...
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