
2012515 - 31日,在香港灣仔港灣道1號會展藝術廣場ART ONE 天趣國際藝術旗下的四位香港當代著名藝術家林鳴崗、王守清、許恩琦、鍾建新將分別展出他們的經典代表作。這些藝術家植根于東方文化的深厚土壤之中,融合中西,勇於探索,鑄造經典,各自創造出獨具特色的藝術語言。這些藝術家在國內外多次舉辦大型的個展與聯展,並獲得著名藝術機構及收藏家的珍藏。這次在香港展出必將推動香港當代藝術的發展,給藝術收藏家和藝術愛好者一次難得的視覺盛宴

同時,在 ART ONE 藝術廣場內特別舉辦畢加索版畫專題推介展這是藝術愛好者不可錯過的難得機會,歡迎您的蒞臨和品鑒。




展覽日期:2012515 - 531日(上午十一時至下午七時)


        點:香港灣仔港灣道1號會展廣場閣樓 ART ONE 35號鋪

聯絡電話:852-24937236 / 852-91207578  ( Horace Lam )  

Art Of Nature HK – Contemporary Art Exhibition

Art of Nature will launch an art exhibition at ART ONE Gallery, Wanchai in May.  It will exhibit some classic artworks of four contemporary local artists from Art of Nature, including Mr. Lin Minggang, Mr. Wang Shouqing, Mr. Xu Enqi and Mr. Chung Kinsan.  Those artists have been rooted in the eastern culture and integrating the west into east.  They created their artworks based on the idea of manifestation of nature and infinity of vitality in the eastern culture.  They are willing to explore and create their own art language.  They participated in a number of solo and joint exhibitions around the world.  Their art pieces have been collected by some well known art organizations and art lovers.  The upcoming exhibition is a great opportunity to promote contemporary art in Hong Kong and it will be a valuable visual banquet for all art lovers.


Organizer : Art of Nature International Limited ( Art of Nature )

Artists : Lin Minggang, Wang Shouqing, Xu Enqi, Chung Kinsan

Period : May 15 - 31, 2012  ( 11 am to 7 pm )

Opening Ceremony : 4 pm of May 16, 2012 

Venue : No. 3 - 5, ART ONE, M/F, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Contact number : 852-24937236 / 852-91207578  ( Mr. Horace Lam )



天趣網址:http://www.msctq.com   郵箱:msctq@vintion.com

聯絡電話:852-24163632   852-24937236   傳真:852-24168792


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