香港歷來最大型的《畢加索 巴黎國立畢加索藝術館珍品展》為期兩個月的展覽於香港文化博物館在七月二十二日圓滿結束。這次大展作為重大的藝術盛事,在香港掀起了一股畢加索熱潮,為社會帶來了濃厚的文化藝術氣息也令廣大藝術愛好者大開眼界、流連忘返。為了延續畢加索的熱潮,繼續欣賞和領略畢氏的傑出藝術成就和卓越的貢獻,天趣代理的二十幅代表畢氏各個重要時期的經典作品,以高質素限量版版畫將為您提供一次難得的鑒賞和收藏的機會。歡迎各藝術愛好者和收藏人士親臨香港天趣藝術中心欣賞與洽談。


地址: 香港荃灣美環街1號時貿中心2102 – 2105

電話: +852 24163632

手機: +852 91207578

聯繫人: Horace Lam

The largest Picasso exhibition even held in Hong Kong, The Picasso – Masterpieces from Musee National Picasso, Paris, has finally ended its two-month exhibition in the Hong Kong Heritage Museum on July 22nd. This exhibition has stimulated a surge of Picasso’s heat. It brings the society a strong sense of art and culture and art lovers can also get a great chance to view the real Picasso works. In order to keep up with the Picasso frenzy, continue to appreciate and enjoy Picasso’s outstanding achievements and contributions, Art of Nature has surrogated twenty classical pieces of art works from different periods. This is a rare opportunity to appreciate and collect high quality and limited edition of Picasso’s prints. We welcome all art lovers and collector to visit Art of Nature Center for viewing and talk over with us.


Address: Rm 2102-2105, Mega Trade Center, 1 Mei Wan St., Tsuen Wan, N.T., HK

Tel: +852 24163632

Mobile: +852 91207578

Contact person: Horace Lam



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