天趣國際藝術在6月4日下午,海港城展廳內舉辦“色彩‧充滿喜悅”當代藝術展開幕酒會,過千的觀眾與朋友前來體驗際藝術大師 David Gerstein、香港著名藝術家林天行與許恩琦帶來的色彩盛宴。現場人頭攢動,紛紛在色彩的海洋中流連忘返。藝術家林天行,許恩琦以及天趣國際藝術當代藝術館的館長張朱宇博士來到現場,與藝術愛好者交流。
David Gerstein 是當今最具創新的現代表現主義大師。這次展出的是花鳥經典作品,將雕塑和繪畫溶為一體,透過金屬堆疊的多層結構及艶麗的色彩,造出夢境、電影般的作品。林天行展出的是他最愛的荷花系列,除了與佛教有著千絲萬縷的聯系,也是聖潔、清靜的象徵。許恩琦的畫面“似水、似雲、似霧”給人美與沉思的聯想,蒙矓而又清新的感覺。清新、淡然的風格和林天行老師相映成趣。
林天行(中)與眾嘉賓合照 林天行(左)與天趣總裁張朱宇(右) 天趣總裁張朱宇(右)與來賓合照 |
開幕現場人流不斷 天趣總裁張朱宇(中)與來賓合照 展覽館一角
“Color‧Euphoria” Contemporary Art Exhibition
Opening reception of “Color‧Euphoria” Contemporary Art Exhibition at the Gallery by the Harbour was successfully held on 4th June 2016. More than thousand art lovers came to the exhibition to feel the feast of colors by internationally known artist, David Gerstein, renowned contemporary Chinese artists, Lam Tian Xing and Hui Yan Ki. Artists Lam and Hui as well as President of Art of Nature Dr. Cissy Cheung all presence at the opening.
David Gerstein is one of the most innovative and well-known Israeli artists in the world today. He is best known for his Pop-Art pieces which combine bold colors with striking multi-layered metal cutout pieces.Lam Tian Xing’s Lotus, his favorite series, inextricably linked by Buddhism. Symbolized holy, quiet and peace.Hui Yan Ki’s paintings are representational style is often described as “fluid, foggy and misty”, which allows room for romantic and spontaneous imagination for audience.
The exhibition continues to June 19. We welcome all art lovers and collectors come and visit.
展覽時間 Exhibition Date: 2016年 6月 1日 (週三) 至 19日 (週日) 1 (Wed) - 19 Jun (Sun) 2016
開放時間 Opening Hours: 星期一至日 上午 11 時 至 晚上 10 時 11am - 10pm Daily
展覽地點 Venue: 海港城美術館 Gallery by the Harbour
尖沙咀廣東道海洋中心 207 號舗 Shop 207, Level 2, Ocean Center, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui
查詢電話 Enquiry: 24937236 / 91207578 Horace
網址 Website: www.msctq.com
* 免費入場 * Free admission
Art of Nature Marketing Department
網站 Web:www.msctq.com 電郵 Email:msctq@vintion.com
| 香港 Hong Kong | 福州 Fuzhou |
天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
香港荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21樓 福建省福州市銅盤軟體園 MSC 大廈
21/F, Mega Trade Ctr, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong MSC Bldg, B22 Software Park, 89 Software Rd, Fuzhou, China
電話T+ 852 2493 7236 傳真F+ 852 2416 8792 電話T+ 86 591 87410605 傳真F+ 86 591 87862266
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