


關於藝術家 :

現為中國美術家協會會員、中國畫學會〔全國〕創會理事、中國畫學會香港執行會長、香港美協副主席、香港文化藝術交流協會會長、香港美術家聯合會主席。作品入選第九屆、第十屆、第十一屆、第十二屆全國美術作品展三次獲得優秀獎,也入選香港2010年、2012年藝術雙年展,2015年第六屆北京國際美術雙年展,作品也發表在《美術》雜誌封面, 2016年9月作品入選由“中國國務院新聞辦公室”主辦的在秘魯首都利馬國家博物館舉辦的“人與自然—APEC成員國藝術作品展”

1945 年出生於廣州,成長在香港,馳名於國際,從事畫藝六十載,乃上世紀六十年代水墨畫家中一先行者。逾半世紀不懈探索和實踐,先後創繪具本土特色的《漁舟香江》水墨系列;旅居加拿大所創色彩璀璨的《楓采系列》;回歸後描寫中國錦繍河山的《靈山秀水》和《黃山印象》系列,更於古稀之齡再創《曦望》系列。"何家山水"用筆精純,百法通和,在優化傳統之同時別創時代精神,作品蘊含著中國水墨畫之氣韻和境界高尚之本色。出版《何百里畫集》《百里境界》《百里自在》《百里香江》《百里印象》《藝賞自在》。


中國美術家協會會員,專業畫家,出生於廣東開平書香世家,祖父為晚清拔貢、名詩人司徒枚。父親是嶺南畫 派大師司徒奇(蒼城)。得父親翰墨因緣,先後拜趙少昂、關山 月、楊善深、黎雄才、陳荊鴻、林近等大師為師。青年時代負笈加拿大,先後均以全甲最佳成績畢業於Capilano學院藝術系及Emily Carr省立美術學院油畫系。世界各地舉行數十次個展及雙人展。

1951年香港出生,畢業於香港理工大學系及廣州美術學院,曾出版《何少中畫集》,作品入選首、二屆廣東當代油畫藝術展。中國(北京) 油畫展、中國嶺南油畫展、具象和抽象-香港當代油畫、水彩、版畫展、第十一屆全國美術作品展、穗、港、澳油畫巡迴展。香港油畫研究會之色彩與家園,作品「脈之一」為香港大學美術館收藏。香港油畫研究會2012年《香港油畫大賽2012》一等獎、穗深港當代藝術邀請展2012香港油畫研究會2012年之香港名家油畫展、中國美術家協會2012年「吾土吾民」邀請展。

1947年生於北京。1974年入讀浙江美術學院連環畫進修班,師從顧生岳、徐永祥、吳國亭等教授。作品多次入選全 國美術展;北京國際雙年展以及香港當代藝術雙年展。現為中 國美術家協會理事、香港美協副主席、香港畫家聯會副會長、香港水彩畫研究會會長、香港藝術發展局視覺藝術委員會評審員及香港文化藝術基金理事,並擔任香港大學專業進修學院及香港視覺藝術中心導師。作品多年來獲中國美術館、香港藝術 館、香港文化博物館、香港大學美術館、中國亞洲水彩藝術博 物館、新鴻基集團等機構及私人收藏。

1963年生於福州。1984年移居香港,1989 年就讀中央美院。現為香港國際藝術交流協會主席,中國畫學會創會理事兼香港副會長,中國美協會員。作品經常在世界各地展出,曾舉辦個展五十餘次及參加聯展百多次。作品獲中國美術館、國家畫院、廣州 美術館、深圳美術館、香港藝術館、香港文化博物館 等,以及許多中外機構與私人收藏。出版有個人作品專集二十多部。

1963年生於福州。1984年移居香港,1989 年就讀中央美院。現為香港國際藝術交流協會主席,中國畫學會創會理事兼香港副會長,中國美協會員。作品經常在世界各地展出,曾舉辦個展五十餘次及參加聯展 百多次。作品獲中國美術館、國家畫院、廣州 美術館、深圳美術館、香港藝術館、香港文化博物館 等,以及許多中外機構與私人收藏。出版有個人作品專集二十多部。

1962年畢業於蘇州工藝美專中國畫系,是吳門畫派一吳敖木入室弟子。亦曾是傅抱右、陳大羽、亞明的學生。長期為刺繡和織美設計。1982年抵香港—2007年.任職服裝 設計:紋飾與色彩,平面至立體,兼任畫室主管。韓亞書文文化院會員、香港《信報》專欄作家、中國畫學會香港理事、天趣世界女藝術家理事會香港副主席、香港文化藝術交流協會副會長 。

1962年畢業於蘇州工藝美專中國畫系,是吳門畫派一吳敖木入室弟子。亦曾是傅抱右、陳大羽、亞明的學生。長期為刺繡和織美設計。1982年 抵香港—2007年.任職服裝 設計:紋飾與色彩,平面至立體,兼任畫室主管。韓亞書文文化院會員、香港《信報》專欄作家、中國畫學會香港理事、天趣世界女藝術家理事會香港副主席、香港 文化藝術交流協會副會長 。

1964年出生於江蘇蘇州。畢業於蘇州工藝美術學院繪畫專業,結業於中國美術學院國系山水畫專業本科班、中央美術學院中國畫學院山水畫專業碩士研究生班。中國畫學會香港會員、香港美協會員,香港大學專業進修學院客席講師及山水畫導師,龍藝堂山水畫院學術總監,香港福建書畫研究會會員 。


1966年出生於內蒙古,1988年畢業於內蒙古師範大學美術系;原紮蘭屯師範學校助教;系清華大學美術學院訪問學者;深圳畫院特聘畫家;文化部中國藝術科技研究所特邀研究員;中國畫學會(香港)會員、香港水彩畫研究會理事、香港美協理事、香港文化藝術交流協會秘書長。作品《香江之舂》人選第十二屆全國美展, 作品《陽光下的記憶》入選第六屆北京國際美術雙年展。作品入編《內蒙古水彩畫集》、《山東省美術全書》、《二十世紀書畫家大辭典》、《港澳風情-香港水彩畫集》。              

"Ink Rhyme" Hong Kong Ink Art Exhibition
Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery is delighted to present "Ink Rhyme" – Hong Kong Ink Art Exhibition. We are honored to invite 13 excellent well known Ink artists to the joint exhibition. It will be held from 28th October to 25th November, 2016, and the opening reception is on 28th October, 2016 from 5 – 7:30 p.m.

The works of the exhibition review the development of new ink art. Their themes various from city view, daily life to landscape etc. Thus, the exhibition focuses on the construction and combining Hong Kong new ink art, so as to promote its development, and show the exploration and new achievements of artists in the field of ink. This exhibition is representing the important cultural initiatives of Hong Kong art pulse.

About the Artists:

Wong Chau Tung
Currently he serves as a member of China Artists Association, founding committee member of the Chinese Ink Painting Society, executive director of the Chinese Ink Painting Institute (Hong Kong), vice chairman of the Hong Kong Artists Association, president of Hong Kong International Exchange of Artist & Culture Association, chairman of Hong Kong Artists Association. His works entered the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th National Exhibition of Arts, China and won the Merit Prize three times. His work also appeared on the cover of Art Magazine. In September 2016, Wong’s artwork was selected by The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China to enter “Man and Nature -APEC Member States Art Exhibition” at Museo de la Nación in Peru capital – Lima.

Ho Pak Lee
Born in Guangzhou in 1945, grew up in Hong Kong, internationally recognized artist. Engaged in painting for sixty years, Ho is the pioneer of 60’s ink painters. More than half century of unremitting exploration and practice, he has created the paintings with local characteristics “Hong Kong fishing boat” ink series; and created "Maple Series" while traveling and living in Canada; "Silk Mountain" and "Huangshan Impression "series were developed after he returned to Hong Kong, and create "Xi Wang" series at age seventies

Wong Hau Kwei
Born in Chongqing in 1946 and graduated from China Textile University in Shanghai in 1969. Wong learnt painting from the master Wang Zhou and deeply influenced by him.  In 1978, Wong moved to Hong Kong, he was the Guest Artist of Shenzhen Fine Art Institute and the current board member of Chinese Painting Institute. Wong won numerous awards including: Hong Kong Achievement Award in Contemporary Art Awards 2012; Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Award in the years of 2001 and 2009; twice winner of Secretary for Home Affairs’ Commendations; and awards in the 9th and 10th in the National Exhibition of Arts in China. Wong has many works collected by various museums and galleries and his work “Moving Clouds and Waters in the Three Gorges” was selected in the publication "20th century Chinese Arts -Selected Collection of National Art Museum of China".

Nigel Szeto
Professional painter and a member of the China Artists Association. He was born in a literary family in Kaiping, Guangdong, and his grandfather is Szeto Mei, a bagong (second degree scholar) and renowned poet in the late Qing dynasty. Benifiting from his family legacy, he has learnt from a number of masters such as Chao Shao-an, Guan Shanyue, Yang Shen-sum, Li Xiongcai, Chen Jinghong, and Lin Jin. At an early age, he graduated with honours from the Faculty of Fine & Applied Arts of Capilano University and the Department of Oil Painting at Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Over the years, he has held dozens of solo and duo exhibitions ail over the world.

Ho Siu-Chung, Alex
Born in Hong Kong and graduated from The School of Design - Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art - Master Degree in oil painting study In recent years he works mostly in abstract painting to express his inner feelings with the nature. He uses different kinds of texture & gesture in either monochrome or multi-layers of colors. He also explores works on paper with Chinese ink. The Hong Kong Art Development Council had sponsored a Solo Painting Exhibition and published a book Paintings by Alex Ho. His paintings were selected in both local and overseas exhibitions. His works are collected by Hong Kong Museum of Art and Museum of Hong Kong University.

Shen Ping
Born in Beijing in 1947, he entered Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts to study comics production, which enabled him to acquire diverse art skills, and was trained by Professors Gu Shengyue, Xu Yongxiang and Wu Guoting. His works have been selected by China National Art Exhibition, Beijing International Art Biennial and Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennia丨 many times. He is currently the Person-in-Charge of China Artists Association (Hong Kong), Vice-President of Hong Kong Art Association, Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Artists Society, Chairman of Hong Kong Water Colour Research Society, Examiner of Visual Arts Panel of Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Person-in-Charge of Hong Kong Cultural and Art Foundation. He is also a course instructor at HKU SPACE and Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre. Over the years, his works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, University Museum and Art Gallery of the University of Hong Kong, Asian Museum of Watercolor Art, Sun Hung Kai Group and private collectors.

Lam Tianxing
Born in Fujian Province in 1963. He immigrated to Hong Kong in 1984. He later returned to China to continue his studies at the Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1990. Lam has held more than 50 solo exhibitions and has participated more than one hundred joint exhibitions around the globe. Lam's works have been widely collected by private and corporate organizations. Museum collections include the National Art Museum of China, Research Institute of Chinese Painting in Beijing, Guangzhou Museum of Art, Shenzhen Museum of Art, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Heritage Museum of Hong Kong. Moreover, he has published more than twenty albums of his works. Lam, the chairman of the Hong Kong International Art Association, is now working as a professional painter He is also the vice-chairman, as well as a member of the Founding Committee, of the Chinese Painting Institute and a member of the China Artists' Association.

Wei Jingmin
Member of the China Artists Association,  a founding member of the Hong Kong Artists Association, and a founding member of the Chinese ink Painting Institute (Hong Kong). His works have been selected for various high-level exhibitions and won many awards, including the 11th and 12th China National Fine Arts Exhibitions, an Outstanding Award of the 'Chinese Soul, Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, an excellence award of the International Calligraphy Exhibition, a gold award of the 1st Joint Exhibition of Artists from Guangxi, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and an outstanding award of the Guangxi Fine Arts Exhibition. Currently he serves as chairman of the Hong Kong Culture and Art Exchange Association, vice president of the Shi Qi Art Research Association, and executive vice chairman of the Federation of Asian Artists.

Yick Hang (Anne Tsui)
Graduated from Suzhou Art & Design Technology Institute in 1962 majored in Chinese painting, was a student of Wu Yang Mu, Fu Bao Shi, Chan Da Yu and Ya Ming. Specialized in embroidering, brocading and dyeing after graduated. Since 1982 to 2007, held a post in Hong Kong Sterling Products Limited as Artwork designer, concurrent as Art Studio's Superintend. Member of Hana Calligraphy & Literature Hong Kong Economic Journal Column Writer. Director of Chinese Ink Painting Institute of Hong Kong. Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Art of Nature International Feminist Art Research Society. Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Culture And Art Exchange Association.

Ma Tat Wai
Born in Guangzhou in 1954. Fathered by renowned paleographer, calligrapher and seal craver Ma Kwok Kuen, he has been in touch of Chinese art from infancy. From the 1970s, he has been followed Wu Zifu for Chinese clerical scripts, Li Hongcai, Wu Hao and Chen Ziwei for traditional ink painting, especially in the field of Lingnan school techniques. Throughout his lifetime he has been under the guidance of numerous masters, such as Li Karen, Song Wenzhi, Yarning and Qing Shifa, experiencing their creative endeavors. Awarded Higher Diploma in Chinese Ink Painting in 1991. In 1992 he co-authored Catalogue of Seals of the Cities and Counties of Guangdong. Of recent he has been following Mr Wucius Wong on the re-innovation of the bogu thems by injecting modern metaphors into the ancient genre of Chinese art. The Glimpse of History series of bronze ware-inspired works, has received wide acclaims from art reviewers, commenting that the works are of deep meaning and thought-inspiration. His works has been invited in the Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Invitational Session of the ninth and tenth National Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Contemporary Chinese Ink PINTING Exhibition 2006 and 2007, and was a candidate in the Wu Zuoren Award in Arts- Design Art (Painting).

Chen Wei
Born in Suzhou in 1964, also known as Liang Hui. After graduating from the Suzhou Art & Design Technology Institute, he completed an undergraduate course in landscape painting from China Academy of Art, and a Master's course in landscape painting from China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is a member of the Chinese Painting Institute (Hong Kong), a member of the Hong Kong Artists Association, an adjunct professor and instructor for the landscape painting course at the HKU SPACE, the academic director of Long Yi Tang Landscape Painting Academy, and a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Study Association of Hong Kong Fukienese.

Chan Keng Tin
Born in Zhejiang in 1979 and graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the Chinese Culture University of Taiwan in 2003. In 2008, he joined Luyushun Workshop of the China National Academy of Painting. He is now a member of Chinese Painting Institute Hong Kong, visiting painter of Shenzhen Fine Art Institute and lecturer of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Zhao Zhi Jun
Born in lnner Mongolia in 1966, Zhao Zhijun graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the lnner Mongolia Normal University.He now serves as visiting scholar at the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University, invited artist of the Shenzhen fine Art lnstitute, member of the Chinese Painting lnstitute(Hong Kong),committee member of the Hong Kong water Color Research Society, member of the hong kong Artists Association, and secretary-general of the hong kong Cuiture and Art Exchange Association. He has participated in the lntegration and Convergence: 2009 lnvitational. Exhibition of the China National Academy of Painting, and the 4th Exchange Exhibition of Korea ,Hong Kong and Macao. His “Spring of Hong Kong” was displayed at the 12th China National Fine Arts Exhibition, and Memory under the Sun at the 6th Beijing International Biennial Exhibition. He is a prolific painter of pastoral sceneries, cityscapes, and flowers. His artistic style is a combination of the coloring of watercolor paintings and brushwork of traditional Chinese painting, presenting both realistic and impressionistic implications.         

酒會時間  Opening Reception:  2016年 10月 28日 (週五) 下午 5 至 7 時 30分    28 Oct 2016 (Fri) 5 - 7:30 pm
開幕儀式  Opening Ceremony:  2016年 10月 28日 (週五) 下午 5 時 30 分          28 Oct 2016 (Fri) 5:30 pm
展覽時間  Exhibition Date:         2016年 10月 28日 (週五) 至 11月25日 (週五)    28 Oct (Fri) - 25 Nov (Fri) 2016
開放時間  Opening Hours:         星期一至五 10:00  - 19:00           Mon-Fri 10:00-19:00
                                                  星期六        12:00  - 18:00           Sat         12:00-18:00
                                                  星期日及公眾假期敬需預約           Sun & Public Holiday: By appointment only
展覽地點  Venue:      香港天趣當代藝術館                             Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery - Hong Kong
                                 荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21字樓           21/F, Mega Trade Centre, 1 Mei Wan Street, Tsuen Wan

查詢電話  Enquiry:    24937236 / 91207578 Horace / 91592757 Tiffany
網址        Website:    www.msctq.com

* 免費入場     * Free admission



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天趣當代藝術館   Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery

香港荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21樓          福建省福州市銅盤軟體園 MSC 大廈
21/F, Mega Trade Ctr, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong           MSC Bldg, B22 Software Park, 89 Software Rd, Fuzhou, China
電話T+ 852 2493 7236           傳真F+ 852 2416 8792          電話T+ 86 591 87410605       傳真F+ 86 591 87862266


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