天趣印象香港 — 經典油畫展

天趣印象香港—— 經典油畫展於201212122013113在天趣當代藝術館開幕。將展出林鳴崗、王守清、許恩琦、林明琛、鄧亦農五位藝術家經典油畫作品,屆時五位藝術家及邀請藝術界和收藏界嘉賓參加開幕式。


你心中的香港?你夢中的香港?是否與藝術家眼中、筆下的香港有所差異?有所不同 ?

歡迎您20121212蒞臨天趣藝術館感受、體驗 !

將為您帶來一場別開生面的豐盛視覺盛宴 !



Impression Hong Kong — Classic Oil Painting Exhibition

The opening of the oil painting exhibitionImpression Hong Kong” will grandly be held on December 12, 2012 at Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery. The artworks of the five well-known artists in Hong Kong- Lin Minggang, Wang Shouqing, Xu Enqi, Lin Minshen and Deng Yinong will be exhibited. Artists, art collectors and art lovers from various backgrounds are cordially invited for the opening reception.

 These five artists were with different educational and cultural background, yet they all have chosen to settle down in Hong Kong. Their artworks inherit the characteristics of the Oriental culture and romantic spirit, as well as the rational and orderly characteristics in Western culture. The artists created their artworks from different perspectives, with a very high standard of cultural elements, forming a unique and rich artistic style. Their artworks are renowned in the Hong Kong and China, as well as the international art world.

In “impression Hong Kong”, the artists express their feelings and impression of Hong Kong through paintings; viewers may also work out their impression towards Hong Kong through the refraction of the artworks.

What does Hong Kong look like in your eyes? Do you have the same impression as our artists?

We would like to invite you to come to experience and enjoy the charm of the Pearl of the Orient!

See you on December 12, 2012



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聯絡電話:852-24163632   852-24937236   傳真:852-24168792


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