獻 辭
莫家良 (香港中文大學藝術系系主任、教授)
In this day and age, ink art has been vibrantly developing like it has never before. With more and more aspirants joining in, the scene is becoming increasingly varied in style as much as in presentation. In a domain where liberty reigns supreme, ink artists explore whichever paths they see fit, attracting as many comments and criticisms, and sometimes even heated debates. Among the many topics that merit investigation, the most notable one is probably the question of whether ink art is keeping up with the times. Logically enough, contemporary ink artists are expected to create works of art that are in tandem with the here and now. And yet, history has proved beyond doubt that Chinese painting has been well served by a profound tradition that goes back thousands of years although not without transformations along the way. Faced with fierce competition from other art forms that stress innovation and plurality, how ink art should charge forward is by no means an easy question to answer. Like the local culture, Hong Kong ink art is never in want of plurality. Yet the biggest challenge that any Hong Kong ink artist is faced with is how best to respond to our own time and the future with reference to the tradition.
To mark the ninth anniversary of the founding of Art of Nature International and the fourth anniversary of its Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery, the great promotor of art and especially ink art is presenting the exhibition “Ink Rhyme: Hong Kong Ink Art Exhibition” to showcase the many faces of Hong Kong ink art. Together, the participating artists, each accomplished in their own special ways, will surely be able to whet the appetite of anyone interested in the latest development of Hong Kong ink art. With this preface, allow me to wish the exhibition every success.
Harold Mok
Chairman & Professor
Department of Fine Arts
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
酒會時間 Opening Reception: 2016年 10月 28日 (週五) 下午 5 至 8 時 28 Oct 2016 (Fri) 5 - 8:00 pm
開幕儀式 Opening Ceremony: 2016年 10月 28日 (週五) 下午 5 時 30 分 28 Oct 2016 (Fri) 5:30 pm
展覽時間 Exhibition Date: 2016年 10月 28日 (週五) 至 11月25日 (週五) 28 Oct (Fri) - 25 Nov (Fri) 2016
開放時間 Opening Hours: 星期一至五 10:00 - 19:00 Mon-Fri 10:00-19:00
星期六 12:00 - 18:00 Sat 12:00-18:00
星期日及公眾假期敬需預約 Sun & Public Holiday: By appointment only
展覽地點 Venue: 香港天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery - Hong Kong
荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21字樓 21/F, Mega Trade Centre, 1 Mei Wan Street, Tsuen Wan
查詢電話 Enquiry: 24937236 / 91207578 Horace Lam / 91592757 Tiffany
網址 Website: www.msctq.com
* 免費入場 * Free admission
Art of Nature Marketing Department
網站 Web:www.msctq.com 電郵 Email:msctq@vintion.com
| 香港 Hong Kong | 福州 Fuzhou |
天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
香港荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21樓 福建省福州市銅盤軟體園 MSC 大廈
21/F, Mega Trade Ctr, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong MSC Bldg, B22 Software Park, 89 Software Rd, Fuzhou, China
電話T+ 852 2493 7236 傳真F+ 852 2416 8792 電話T+ 86 591 87410605 傳真F+ 86 591 87862266
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