《墨韻天趣》- 香港水墨藝術展開幕了
金秋10月迎來了我們天趣國際藝術中心和天趣當代藝術館的週年慶典展覽《墨韻天趣》- 香港水墨藝術展開幕了!這次 非常榮幸邀請到13位香港當代著名的水墨藝術家在天趣館展現新水墨藝術成果! 此展得各位老師的大力支持和天趣團隊的努力下, 《墨韻天趣》展出得以隆重開幕了!感謝楊益部長,林廣兆主任,鄭培凱教授,鄧海超館長,鐘樹根太平紳士,羅少雄總監,張瑪莉女士,林鳴崗主席,葉培輝理事長等主禮嘉賓,所有藝術家及超過300位來賓濟濟一堂,天趣館歡聲笑語、蓬蓽生輝!
天趣多年來以弘揚中華文化的傳承為使命, 特別注重推動中國香港本土的藝術發展,及促進國際間藝術學術交流為己任, 倡導 「藝術與品牌同行, 藝術與生活共融, 藝術讓生活更美好」 的理念, 這些年來得到一大批優秀的藝術家們的支持和鼓勵,天趣將繼續努力,百尺竿頭更進一步!
水墨藝術繼往開來,發揚光大,需要一批又一批前赴後繼的藝術家們堅持和探索及藝術工作者們不懈的努力推動!《墨韻天趣》展出作品貴精不貴多!13位藝術家的代表作為觀眾呈現,本展覽已經引起廣泛的報道及海內外業界的關注和邀請,希望香港的新水墨能被廣泛的推動和宣揚!相信水墨藝術在藝術家的新視野新思維的努力探索下,在業界同仁共同努力推動下,水墨精神,水墨力量走出國門, 邁向世界!最後再次感謝多年來支持天趣的藝術家,媒體和所有的關注天趣的朋友們!展出繼續進行中,歡迎閣下隨時光臨《墨韻天趣》!
“Ink Rhyme” Hong Kong Ink Art Exhibition
Opening Reception
In this October, is the anniversary of Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery, we are honored to have 13 outstanding Hong Kong local artists to support and participate in “Ink Rhyme” Hong Kong Ink Art Exhibition. The opening was successfully held on Oct 28th. Our deepest appreciation towards our officiating guests, including Vice Minister Mr. Yang yi, Mr. Lin Guangzhao, Prof. Cheng Pei-kai, Mr. Tang Hoi-chiu, Chung Shu Kun BBS, JP, Law Siu Hung Paul MH, Mary Cheung, Mr. Lam Man Kong, and Mr. Ip Pui Fai. More than 300 guests came to the opening.
For years, Art of Nature has adhered to “Art accords with brand, art accords with life, art makes a better life”. Our professional team is committed to promoting the development and exchange of art in Hong Kong and China. The “Ink Rhyme” Hong Kong Ink Art Exhibition takes a further step to show the power of art in Hong Kong and carry forward the essence of Chinese art.
The exhibition aims to review the development of ink paintings in Hong Kong over the past half centuries, identify the influence and contribution of Hong Kong’s ink paintings on Chinese contemporary ink paintings. The 13 artists of the exhibition has a generated a significant of awareness in the public and the media. The exhibition is an important cultural initiative marking the innovative development of ink paintings in Hong Kong. Art of Nature will continue to spare no effort to promote ink paintings in Hong Kong and China and make contribution to the development of a prosperous art platform. At last, we deeply appreciate the support from all the artists, media, and fans. Please come to visit the exhibition as it continues to Nov 25th.
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主禮嘉賓和參展藝術家合照 |
林廣兆 GBS 致辭 |
鄭培凱教授致辭 |
鄧海超教授致辭 |
藝術家王秋童致辭 |
鍾樹根太平紳士致辭 |
天趣總總裁張朱宇博士致辭 |
查詢電話 Enquiry: 24937236 / 91207578 Horace / Tiffany
網址 Website: www.msctq.com
* 免費入場 * Free admission
Art of Nature Marketing Department
網站 Web:www.msctq.com 電郵 Email:msctq@vintion.com
| 香港 Hong Kong | 福州 Fuzhou |
天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
香港荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21樓 福建省福州市銅盤軟體園 MSC 大廈
21/F, Mega Trade Ctr, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong MSC Bldg, B22 Software Park, 89 Software Rd, Fuzhou, China
電話T+ 852 2493 7236 傳真F+ 852 2416 8792 電話T+ 86 591 87410605 傳真F+ 86 591 87862266
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