
香港天趣藝術中心受邀參加第20屆上海藝術博覽會(11月3-6日),受到廣大收藏家、藝術愛好者、藝術財經類媒體的廣泛關注,展期五天裏,天趣展位更是此次藝博會的亮點,現場人頭攢動、絡繹不絕,媒體爭相報導,吸引往來人群紛紛駐足留影。此行天趣帶來的這些作品,都代表了藝術家在各自創作領域探索的最新成就:香港著名藝術家王守清、許恩琦、林天行最新的水墨作品,藝術家彭斯、陳文令、徐晨陽、趙胥、吳健、鈔子偉 、鈔子藝具有很強個人符號風格的當代油畫、綜合材料作品,香港90後青年藝術家許開嬌的裝置藝術,青年藝術家余福星、施鵬程的最新水墨與雕塑以及韓國著名藝術家金惠京的互動投影動畫,都得到許多藝術愛好者,特別是專業收藏家喜愛與認可,這些藝術家創作形式和材料雖不同,但充分展現天趣藝術所呈現各種的藝術形態,以及全面的藝術家資源整合力、藝術力量凝聚力及開發香港與內地的藝術市場的潛在力。天趣此次上海之行,圓滿完成,感謝各位熱愛藝術的藏家朋友以及媒體朋友的大力支持!

Art of Nature International have gained a great success in the Shanghai Art Fair 2016

Art of Nature International was invited to participate in the 20th Shanghai Art Fair 2016 (Nov 3-6). Embraced by the collectors, art lovers, and art medias. As one of the spotlight exhibitor in the art fair, visitors and medias all flooded to our booth. We’ve brought latest color ink paintings of Hong Kong famous artists Wong Sau Ching, Hui Yan Ki, and Lam Tianxing; contemporary artists, Peng Si, Chen Wenling, Xu Chenyang, Zhao Xu, Wu Jian, He Hua, Chao Brothers (Chao ziyì and Chao ziwei); young and emerging artists, Hui Hoi Kiu from Hong Kong with her installation, Yu Fuxing, Shi Pengcheng, and Kim Hyegyung, scholar artist from Korea, created amazing projection installation. They are all recognized by collectors and professional viewers. Although a variety of media had used by each of the artist, we can see the dynamic and scatter from scope of Chinese esthetic, along with the color and formality in western esthetic. The lineup of artists in such exhibition has revealed Art of Nature ability to gather fine artists from Hong Kong and Mainland China as well as a comprehensive integration of art resources. Thus to stimulate the possibilities in the art market. It has been a successful show for us. We would like to send our appreciation to all collectors and medias for supporting us!

香港參展藝術家許開嬌(右二)與來賓交流 天趣總裁張朱宇博士與著名藝術家冷軍(左)親切交流
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天趣當代藝術館   Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery

香港荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21樓          福建省福州市銅盤軟體園 MSC 大廈
21/F, Mega Trade Ctr, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong           MSC Bldg, B22 Software Park, 89 Software Rd, Fuzhou, China
電話T+ 852 2493 7236           傳真F+ 852 2416 8792          電話T+ 86 591 87410605       傳真F+ 86 591 87862266



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