探索傳統文化的精髓 - 盆景文化與當代水墨的共通
時間:2017年 4月 22日 (星期六) 11:00am - 1:30pm
Phantom Realm - Color Ink by Wong Sau Ching exhibition
Lecture : The Essence of Traditional Culture
- Parallel of Bonsai and Contemporary Ink
Art Of Nature invited Mr. Laurence Lee, Chairman of the Penjing Association of Hong Kong and contemporary ink artist, together with the artist of the exhibition Mr. Wong Sou Ching together to discuss the parallel of traditional culture and contemporary art. We try to unveil the two forms of arts which originated from traditional Chinese culture, of how they communicate in the contemporary way. Through the abstract color of ink and the visual effects of bonsai to reflect the hazy poetic and beauty of life. Lee will bring his beautiful bonsai to the scene, and will engage in an in-depth discussion with Wong. It is an most exciting event that all art lovers and friends do not want to miss!
Lecture Date & Time: Saturday April 22nd 2017 11:00am - 1:30pm
Venue: Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
Refreshments will be served and together with the Lucky Draw of Wong Sau Ching’s Silk scarf.
主辦: 天趣藝術中心
主題: 探索傳統文化的精髓 - 盆景文化與當代水墨的共通
主講嘉賓: 王守清, 李景民
時間: 2017年 4月 22日 ( 星期六 ) 上午11時 至 下午1時半
地點:香港荃灣美環街1號時貿中心21樓 天趣當代藝術館
Organiser: Art of Nature International
Topic: The Essence of Traditional Culture
- Parallel of Bonsai and Contemporary Ink
Lecturer: Wong Sau Ching, Laurence Lee
Date & Time: 22 April 2017 (Sat) 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Address: 21/F, Mega Trade Centre,1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan
Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
查詢 Enquiry: Horace Lam horacelam@vintion.com
電話 Tel: +852 2416 3632 +852 9120 7578
網址 Website: www.msctq.com
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活動地點 Venue: 香港天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery - Hong Kong
荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21字樓 21/F, Mega Trade Centre, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan
查詢電話 Enquiry: 24937236 / 91207578 Horace Lam
網址 Website: www.msctq.com
* 免費入場 * Free admission

Art of Nature Marketing Department
網站 Web:www.msctq.com 電郵 Email:msctq@vintion.com
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天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
香港荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21樓 福建省福州市銅盤軟體園 MSC 大廈
21/F, Mega Trade Ctr, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong MSC Bldg, B22 Software Park, 89 Software Rd, Fuzhou, China
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