《 漢字天趣慶回歸 》- 蔡啟仁水墨個展正式開幕
在香港回歸祖國 20 周年、天趣國際藝術中心 10 週年及香港天趣當代藝術館 5 週年的重要時刻,天趣迎來了香港資深的藝術前輩蔡啟仁教授呈現以漢字設計為主題的《漢字天趣慶回歸》- 蔡啟仁水墨個展。於 6 月 10 日下午3時天趣當代藝術館正式開幕儀式! 開幕禮由趙曾學韞太平紳士, 丁羽先生, 陳慎之先生, 黎國光律師, 鄭錦輝先生, 蔡啟仁教授, 及天趣國際藝術總裁張朱宇博士等共同主禮。亦感謝各支持機構及過百位熱愛藝術的嘉賓朋友,使這次畫展開幕歡聲笑語、蓬蓽生輝。
是次展出 40 件蔡啟仁教授的漢字水墨藝術創作。利用漢字中的部首結構、筆劃、造形和正負空間,和湖海山川、谷崖翠林、亭樓船艇等圖象,創造出無限天趣!蔡教授榮獲無數獎項並擔任香港藝術發展局「視藝界別」審批員多年至今。1996 年香港區域市政局委任設計創製,十座具現代民族風格,以漢字元素設計的運動雕塑,及灣仔區議會贊助「天橋畫廊」戶外藝術裝置,如今均成為該地區的標識之一。蔡啟仁教授近年來全心投身藝術創意教育和水墨創作工作,意在培育創意人才及發揚中華漢字文化。
Grant Opening of Celebration of Reunification – Choi Kai Yan Solo Ink Exhibition
In the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China, the 10th and 5th anniversary of the establishment of Art of Nature International and Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery. We proudly present to you Celebration of Reunification – Choi Kai Yan Solo Ink Exhibition. Our deepest appreciation towards our officiating guests, including Chiu Tsang Hok Wan JP, Mr. Ding Yue, Peter S.C. Chan, Lai Kwok Kwong LLB, Stephen Cheng, Prof. Choi Kai Yan, and Dr. Cissy Cheung and all the supporting parties and art lovers.
This exhibition features 40 Chinese characters creations by Prof. Choi Kai Yan. His endless creativity of using Chinese character’s structure, stroke, shape and negative/positive space. The lake, the sea, the valley, the forest, the pavilion, and the boat are his favorable elements. Prof. Choi has won a lot of design and art awards. He is also one of the Examiners for the HKADC Visual Arts for many years. In 1996, The HK District Council assigned 10 sculptures as symbolic of the sport spirits. The Art Footbridge in Wan Chi also has become a landmark. Prof. Choi has spent all his efforts in art education and ink paintings in recent years. In hope to foster creative talents and promote Chinese cultures.
Art of Nature wishes to share such a visual feast to all the people and to allow the audience to experience the essence of traditional Chinese culture.
展覽時間 Exhibition Date: 2017年 6月 10日 (週六) 至 6月24日 (週六) 10 Jun (Sat) - 24 Jun (Sat) 2017
開放時間 Opening Hours: 星期一至五 10:00 - 19:00 Mon-Fri 10:00-19:00
星期六 12:00 - 18:00 Sat 12:00-18:00
星期日及公眾假期敬需預約 Sun & Public Holiday: By appointment only
展覽地點 Venue: 香港天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery - Hong Kong
荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21字樓 21/F, Mega Trade Centre, 1 Mei Wan Street, Tsuen Wan
查詢電話 Enquiry: 24937236 / 91207578 Horace Lam
網址 Website: www.msctq.com
* 免費入場 * Free admission

Art of Nature Marketing Department
網站 Web:www.msctq.com 電郵 Email:msctq@vintion.com
| 香港 Hong Kong | 福州 Fuzhou |
天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
香港荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21樓 福建省福州市銅盤軟體園 MSC 大廈
21/F, Mega Trade Ctr, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong MSC Bldg, B22 Software Park, 89 Software Rd, Fuzhou, China
電話T+ 852 2493 7236 傳真F+ 852 2416 8792 電話T+ 86 591 87410605 傳真F+ 86 591 87862266
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