As an important series event of celebration for the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Art of Nature International. We present to you Tianxing Lotus – Lam Tianxing Ink Art Exhibition on 21st July. Lotus is one of his most favorable subjects. It is a symbol of holy and purity. His precise handling of the shapes endorses the gracefulness and elegance of lotus. Fashioned an intense and lasting visual effect. His style of painting does not limit to intricate details but also splendid freehand brushwork. It derivates from the backbone of traditional Chinese calligraphy and yet does not constraint by it.
Jing Hao’s Bifa Ji (Notes on Brushwork) wrote, Chinese ink painting begins to flourish in Tang Dynasty. Different styles and techniques of Chinese ink painting have emerged over thousand years of development. And color, has always been an important expression element in traditional ink painting. Lam Tian Xing seamlessly integrate the Western color characteristics and emphasis the interaction between lines and pigments. Fine black line does not only use as outline, but also an important part of the composition. Lam conceptually redefines the relationship between ink and color. Because he assimilates concepts and techniques from varies aspects, traditional literati’s styles and folk art, oil painting and mural art, Chinese traditional art and western contemporary art. These attributes, formed the unique aesthetic style of Lam.
Lam Tian Xing is pioneer of Hong Kong’s ink development. His impact on contemporary ink is profoundly imperative. Lam’s artwork seamlessly integrates both Eastern and Western aesthetics by combining bold colors and rhythmic brushwork with abstract yet concrete imagery. “New perception” thus evolved.
About artist
Lam Tian Xing (also known as Lam Sin), born in October 1963 in Fujian Province, China. He studied Western and Chinese paintings under great masters such as Wu Gouguang, Lin Guang, Chen Ting and Liu Mu. He immigrated to Hong Kong in 1984. Later graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts. He was a teacher at the Hong Kong First Institute of Art and Design upon his graduation. Lam is the chairman of the Hong Kong International Art Association, member of the China Artists’ Association, and member of the Founding Committee of the Chinese Painting Institute (Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Committee).
Lam has held more than 50 solo exhibitions and more than hundred joint exhibitions around the globe. To name a few, Centennial Exhibition of Chinese Paintings in Beijing, China National Art Exhibition, and Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition. His works have also been widely collected by private and corporate organizations, such as, National Art Museum of China, Research Institute of Chinese Painting in Beijing, Guangzhou Museum of Art, Shenzhen Museum of Art, Shenzhen Fine Art Institute, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Heritage Museum of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Government House, Hong Kong Trade Development Council of Washington, Cathay Pacific, United Airline, Four Seasons Hotels, Hong Kong and Macau, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Hong Kong, Shangri-La Hotel Beijing, Bank of China Hong Kong, Credit Suisse HK Offices. Lam’s paintings, “Morning Songs” and “Sideview in Victoria Harbour”, have accompanied the space shuttles of the Shenzhou VI and Shenzhou VII in 2005 and 2008 respectively, witnessed these important national milestones, and brought honor to Hong Kong. Moreover, he has published more than twenty albums of his works.
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21/F, Mega Trade Ctr, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong MSC Bldg, B22 Software Park, 89 Software Rd, Fuzhou, China
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福建福州鼓樓區北大路35號翠湖苑地下 1/F, Cuihu Court, Gulou District, Fuzhou, China