
《 荷花天行 》林天行彩墨藝術展
作為香港回歸20周年及天趣國際藝術進入第10個年頭的系列活動重要慶典之一《荷花天行》- 林天行彩墨藝術展,將於7月21號在香港天趣當代藝術館隆重推出!此次展覽的主題以彩荷為主,彩荷系列是林先生最愛的創作對象之一,他的荷不僅聖潔清靜而且姿態優美、造型準確線條流暢,烘托出畫面豐富而深遠的意境,其作品自然天成,不拘泥於細枝末節,大氣而無瑣碎之感。這種洗練概括的“書寫性”特徵既源於傳統筆法,又區別於傳統寫意的用筆規範。
Tianxing Lotus – Lam Tianxing Ink Art Exhibition
As an important series event of celebration for the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Art of Nature International. We present to you Tianxing Lotus – Lam Tianxing Ink Art Exhibition on 21st July. Lotus is one of his most favorable subjects. It is a symbol of holy and purity. His precise handling of the shapes endorses the gracefulness and elegance of lotus. Fashioned an intense and lasting visual effect. His style of painting does not limit to intricate details but also splendid freehand brushwork. It derivates from the backbone of traditional Chinese calligraphy and yet does not constraint by it.
Jing Hao’s Bifa Ji (Notes on Brushwork) wrote, Chinese ink painting begins to flourish in Tang Dynasty. Different styles and techniques of Chinese ink painting have emerged over thousand years of development. And color, has always been an important expression element in traditional ink painting. Lam Tian Xing seamlessly integrate the Western color characteristics and emphasis the interaction between lines and pigments. Fine black line does not only use as outline, but also an important part of the composition. Lam conceptually redefines the relationship between ink and color. Because he assimilates concepts and techniques from varies aspects, traditional literati’s styles and folk art, oil painting and mural art, Chinese traditional art and western contemporary art. These attributes, formed the unique aesthetic style of Lam.
Lam Tian Xing is pioneer of Hong Kong’s ink development. His impact on contemporary ink is profoundly imperative. Lam’s artwork seamlessly integrates both Eastern and Western aesthetics by combining bold colors and rhythmic brushwork with abstract yet concrete imagery. “New perception” thus evolved.
開幕儀式 Opening Ceremony: 2017年 7月 21日 (週五) 下午 5 時 30 分 21 Jul 2017 (Fri) 5:30 pm
酒會時間 Opening Reception: 2017年 7月 21日 (週五) 下午 5 至 8 時 21 Jul 2017 (Fri) 5 - 8 pm
展覽時間 Exhibition Date: 2017年 7月 21日 (週五) 至 8月31日 (週四) 21 Jul (Fri) - 31 Aug (Thr) 2017
開放時間 Opening Hours: 星期一至五 10:00 - 19:00 Mon-Fri 10:00-19:00
星期六 12:00 - 18:00 Sat 12:00-18:00
星期日及公眾假期敬需預約 Sun & Public Holiday: By appointment only
展覽地點 Venue: 香港天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery - Hong Kong
荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21字樓 21/F, Mega Trade Centre, 1 Mei Wan Street, Tsuen Wan
查詢電話 Enquiry: 24937236 / 91207578 Horace Lam
網址 Website: www.msctq.com
* 免費入場 * Free admission

Art of Nature Marketing Department
網站 Web:www.msctq.com 電郵 Email:msctq@vintion.com
| 香港 Hong Kong | 福州 Fuzhou |
天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
香港荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21樓 福建省福州市銅盤軟體園 MSC 大廈
21/F, Mega Trade Ctr, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong MSC Bldg, B22 Software Park, 89 Software Rd, Fuzhou, China
電話T+ 852 2493 7236 傳真F+ 852 2416 8792 電話T+ 86 591 87410605 傳真F+ 86 591 87862266
天趣收藏館 Art of Nature Collection
福建福州鼓樓區北大路35號翠湖苑地下 1/F, Cuihu Court, Gulou District, Fuzhou, China
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