天趣國際藝術應廣大藝術愛好者的要求,天趣將於 7/4/2013 下午 3:30 - 5:00在銅鑼灣 SOGO商場會所,再次舉辦王守清藝術創作分享會,請踴躍報名參加 。

As we receive warm responses from the art lovers, Art of Nature International will hold another Artist Wong Sau Ching Sharing Session on 7 April 2013 at 3:30 - 5:00p.m. at Sogo Club 16/F, Sogo Causeway Bay. Look forward to having your participation.

王守清創作分享會:4月 7 號 下午 3時半 至 5時
Artist Wong Sau Ching Sharing Session: 7 April 2013 (Sunday) 3:30 – 5:00PM

展出時間3月 27 號 — 4 月 9 號  上午 10 至晚上 10 點
Exhibition period: March 27th – April 9th 2013
Opening hours: 10AM – 10PM

展出地點:香港銅鑼灣崇光 SOGO 商場 16 樓會所
Venue: Sogo Club 16/F, Sogo Causeway Bay, 555 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay

 "Silk Rhyme Lotus" Artist Wong Sau Ching Sharing Sessions

Reply Slip
          致 : 天趣國際藝術
          To: Art of Nature International

                 本人報名參加 王守清創作分享會。
                 I would like to join the Artist Wong Sau Ching Sharing Session.

                 姓名 / Name :______________________________     職位 / Position :______________________________

                 電話 / Tel     :______________________________     電郵 / Email    :______________________________

                 簽名 / Signature :___________________________     日期 / Date      :______________________________

        參加者請於 4月6日前回覆,傳真 2416 8792 或 電郵 horacelam@vintion.com
機會難得,報名從速。查詢電話 : 2493 7236 / 9120 7578
        Don't miss this chance. Please reply by Fax: 24168792 or by email: horacelam@vintion.com before 6 April 2013. For enquiry, please call 24937236 / 91207578


          (1) 參加者可獲贈送精美畫冊禮品一份 (送完即止
                       Participants will receive a gift, an album on fist-come fist-served basic.
          (2) 收藏原創藝術品可獲藝術家簽名的收藏証書
                   For collection of original art piece, Collect Certificate with Artist's autograph will be issued.
          (3) 收藏藝術絲巾可獲藝術家親筆簽名
                For collection of silk scarves, it will have Artist's autograph.
                         ( 預告 : "絲語荷風"展將於 2013年4月4日 晚上 11:30 在亞洲電視 (ATV) "愛.潮流" 節目播出,敬請收看!)
                            (Notice: ATV will broadcast "Silk Rhyme Lotus" on 4 April 2013 at 11:30pm in program "i trendy" . Please pay attention.)

天趣網址:www.msctq.com 郵箱:msctq@vintion.com

香港聯繫方式:電話:852-24937236 傳真:852-24168792

國內聯繫方式:電話:591-87410605 傳真:591-87862266

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