天趣國際藝術應廣大藝術愛好者的要求,天趣將於 7/4/2013 下午 3:30 - 5:00在銅鑼灣 SOGO商場會所,再次舉辦王守清藝術創作分享會,請踴躍報名參加 。

As we receive warm responses from the art lovers, Art of Nature International will hold another Artist Wong Sau Ching Sharing Session on 7 April 2013 at 3:30 - 5:00p.m. at Sogo Club 16/F, Sogo Causeway Bay. Look forward to having your participation.

王守清創作分享會:4月 7 號 下午 3時半 至 5時
Artist Wong Sau Ching Sharing Session: 7 April 2013 (Sunday) 3:30 – 5:00PM

展出時間3月 27 號 — 4 月 9 號  上午 10 至晚上 10 點
Exhibition period: March 27th – April 9th 2013
Opening hours: 10AM – 10PM

展出地點:香港銅鑼灣崇光 SOGO 商場 16 樓會所
Venue: Sogo Club 16/F, Sogo Causeway Bay, 555 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay

 "Silk Rhyme Lotus" Artist Wong Sau Ching Sharing Sessions

Reply Slip
          致 : 天趣國際藝術
          To: Art of Nature International

                 本人報名參加 王守清創作分享會。
                 I would like to join the Artist Wong Sau Ching Sharing Session.

                 姓名 / Name :______________________________     職位 / Position :______________________________

                 電話 / Tel     :______________________________     電郵 / Email    :______________________________

                 簽名 / Signature :___________________________     日期 / Date      :______________________________

        參加者請於 4月6日前回覆,傳真 2416 8792 或 電郵 horacelam@vintion.com
機會難得,報名從速。查詢電話 : 2493 7236 / 9120 7578
        Don't miss this chance. Please reply by Fax: 24168792 or by email: horacelam@vintion.com before 6 April 2013. For enquiry, please call 24937236 / 91207578


          (1) 參加者可獲贈送精美畫冊禮品一份 (送完即止
                       Participants will receive a gift, an album on fist-come fist-served basic.
          (2) 收藏原創藝術品可獲藝術家簽名的收藏証書
                   For collection of original art piece, Collect Certificate with Artist's autograph will be issued.
          (3) 收藏藝術絲巾可獲藝術家親筆簽名
                For collection of silk scarves, it will have Artist's autograph.

"絲語荷風"展已於 201344日 晚上 11:30 在亞洲電視 (ATV) "愛.潮流" 節目播出,敬請收看!)
( ATV broadcasted
"Silk Rhyme Lotus" on 4 April 2013 at 11:30pm in program "i trendy". Please click and watch !  )

(預告:"絲語荷風"展將於 2013年4月9日晚上 7:00在鳳凰衛視中文台完全時尚手冊: 享家 節目播出 (now TV 548頻道 可免費收看),敬請收看!)
(Notice: Phoenix TV Chinese Channel will broadcast "Silk Rhyme Lotus" on 9 April 2013 at 7:00pm in program "Trendy Guide - Home of Arts" (NOW TV channel 548). Please pay attention.)

天趣網址:www.msctq.com 郵箱:msctq@vintion.com

香港聯繫方式:電話:852-24937236 傳真:852-24168792

國內聯繫方式:電話:591-87410605 傳真:591-87862266

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