Hongkong Land unveils Because of Love – A Female Contemporary Art Exhibitionin collaboration with
Hong Kong Art of Nature
A retrospective exhibition of 18 Chinese female artists
HONG KONG, 4th September 2018 – Hongkong Land and the Hong Kong Art of Nature International Feminist Art Research Society today announced the opening of the co-organised Because of Love – A Female Contemporary Art Exhibition, an exhibit that highlights the work of 18 diverse and delightful Chinese female artists. The exhibition aims to focus on the female introspective dialogue and the pursuit in life of love, through an artist’s creative eyes. The exhibition will run from 4th to 26th September 2018 at The Rotunda, Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong.
The participating female artists includeAisin GioroHangkam, Annie Chan, Carine Chan, Minna Chan, Ivy Chaung, Cissy Cheung Chu-yu, Janice Chiu, Donna Chu, Lily Hui, Liu Cheng Mui, Liu Tong Mui, Nina Pryde, Helen Pun, Qi Peng, Wei Rong, Katherine Wong, Yick Hang, and Zhang Jin Ling.Of these, Liu Tong Mui and Minna Chan have been invited as special guest artists. The exhibition presents a total of 32 art pieces, in forms that include ink painting, ink and colour, oil painting and sculpture.
Of different ages and coming from diverse backgrounds and careers, the participating artists have many distinctive approaches to and views about art. The youngest artist is a 17-year-old woman diagnosed with ASD; others include an artist with a physical disability, a businesswoman working in the fashion industry, a successful banker, and a former “Miss Hong Kong”. The artists depict subjects such as people, scenery and daily living in ways that express their diverse feelings and experiences and that are sure to resonate with viewers. The participants in this exhibition are all passionate about art and use their work to express their deep perceptions about modern day life.
“For many years, Hongkong Land has been passionately committed to promoting the diverse development of art and culture in Hong Kong. We have collected a large number of art works over the years and exhibited them within our Central portfolio for public enjoyment.Hongkong Land is delighted to partner with Art of Nature in presenting this exhibition Because of Love – A Female Contemporary Art Exhibitionto the public,” said Mr Robert Wong, Chief Executive of Hongkong Land. “We hope the public will be inspired by the joyful nature and meaningful messages of these artists, allowing art to remind us of the beauty within ourselves and in our society surrounding us.”
Dr Cissy Cheung, President of the Hong Kong Art of Nature International Feminist Art Research Society, and curator of the exhibition, stated, “Female art has traditionally been associated with weakness, delicacy, warmth and passivity. As times have changed, however, education and knowledge have spreadand the world has moved on. As a result, today’s female artists are now able to express their deepest personal emotions through art. This exhibition brings together 18 Chinese female artists who express their thoughts and feelings in their own unique ways, all of which are worthy of our appreciation.”
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天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
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福建福州鼓樓區北大路35號翠湖苑地下 1/F, Cuihu Court, Gulou District, Fuzhou, China