《 傳承與守望 》-


“一葉一菩提,一花一世界”。 清代道光皇帝第六代後裔愛新覺羅‧恒錦,自小受其外祖父溥佺及其母愛新覺羅‧文嘉的言傳身教,沿襲中國傳統皇家宮廷畫派工整精細風格的同時,在其中融入生活化氣息,使宮廷畫煥發了新的生機。


愛新覺羅‧恒錦為道光皇帝後裔,清朝末代皇帝溥儀的侄外孫女,外祖父溥佺(溥松窗)更是近代著名書畫家,母親愛新覺羅‧文嘉亦為當代著名宮廷書畫家。恒錦自幼就跟隨外祖父習畫,1992年在北京開辦了“松風閣”,雲集愛新覺羅氏栩栩如生的的書畫作品,并得到愛新覺羅著名畫家溥傑、啟功等的精心指點,受益匪淺。擅長繪馬、花鳥、人物等,色彩鮮明,筆觸生動。此外,恒錦熱心公益事業,義拍其作品來捐助孤殘兒童,為“優雅媽媽”基金事業熱心奔走。近年來恒錦的作品越來越受到關注,《時尚COSMO》《母子健康》《鳳凰生活》《淑媛》《珍龍時尚》及台灣無線衛星電視新聞(TVBS)都對她作了全面的報導。現任中國皇家書畫院副院長兼秘書長及香港有線電視23臺(中國旅遊和經濟臺) 藝術顧問。


 Heritage and Prospect -
A Private Art Appreciation Party for Court Painting Collection

“To explore the world through a flower, each leave means different Bohdhi.” Aisin Gioro‧Hangkam, the sixth generation of descendants of Daoguang Emperor in Qing Dynasty,inherits traditional court painting from her grandfather Puquan and mother Aisin Gioro‧Manka since childhood. Together with the calligraphy within the painting is thought-provoking. Aisin Gioro‧Hangkam’s works are bright and vivid, meticulous court painting merges with the state of life.

In this private party, we will present Hangkam’s representative, 「Saddle」and   「A Fine Day」. The theme of 「Saddle」is peace and prosperity in China. Hangkam uses silk with gold foil to create an image that is grave and dignified.  In her work 「A Fine Day」, the green pigment Hangkam uses for the mountains has a 100-year history; handed down from her grandfather Pu Quan. Artworks by Hangkam mother and daughter persistent pursuit and rigorous attitudes united with fine brushwork and freehand style. Court painting has its unique place in Chinese art history. It continues its heritage through the descendants of royal family and has found its own artistic value.

To appreciate artworks, also to celebrate the Lantern Festival, Art of Nature sincerely invites you to attend this coming private art appreciation party on February 19th,Tuesday,2019.

Aisin GioroHangkam

Aisin Gioro‧Hangkam was born in Beijing. She is Aisin Gioro‧Manka’s youngest daughter. Studied painting with the grandfather, the famous artist Pu Quan(great grandson of Emperor Dao Guang, Qing Dynasty). In 1992, she opened a gallery in Beijing for exhibiting Aisin Gioro family’s paintings. She moved with her parents to Hong Kong in 1993. Specialized in Chinese painting of figures, birds and flowers. Her art works were exhibited at the World Manchurian’s Art Exhibitions. In 2010, she and her mother set up a company named Aisin Gioro Dynasty Culture which aims at developing art and culture.

私享會時間  Opening Reception:  2019年 2月 19日 (週二) 下午 3 至 5 時 
                                                      19th Feb 2019 (Tue)    3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

展覽地點  Venue:

查詢電話  Enquiry: 
網址         Website:


2416 3632 | Yan Chung / Chloe Su
Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery 
Rm 2101-06, 21/F, Mega Trade Centre, 1 Mei Wan Street, Tseun Wan


* Free admission



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天趣當代藝術館   Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery

香港荃灣美環街一號時貿中心21樓          福建省福州市銅盤軟體園 MSC 大廈
21/F, Mega Trade Ctr, 1 Mei Wan St, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong           MSC Bldg, B22 Software Park, 89 Software Rd, Fuzhou, China
電話T+ 852 2493 7236           傳真F+ 852 2416 8792          電話T+ 86 591 87410605       傳真F+ 86 591 87862266



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