The French Era – Lam Man Kong’s Solo Oil-painting Exhibition
“The French Era – Lam Man Kong’s Solo Oil-painting Exhibition” will be held at the Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery on 6th December 2013. The series records Lam’s art life throughout the twenty years in Paris, from an innocent youth to an experienced and well-known artist. Lam is praised as the third generation of outstanding overseas Chinese artist. Following the footsteps of masters Xu Beihong and Zao Wouki. Paris is a dream palace for artists. It is an exceptionally beautiful metropolis; it is also a green paradise for art and haven for artists. In this wonderland, Lam depicts his daily lives with his paintbrush. There have been days of disturbance, pain, anxiety, frustration, loneliness, moments of peace, happiness, excitement and pride. Lam never regrets what he had done in his youth and even feels proud and grateful. This time we will be displaying about 30 pieces of Lam’s works, these works have witnessed his time in France.
Lam Man Kong will also held his new portraits collection (China.Paris.Hong Kong.Indonesia) release signature at the opening reception.
We welcome all art lovers and artists to celebrate the feast of art at the opening reception.
Opening Reception: 6 Dec 2013 ( Fri ) 5pm - 8pm
Exhibition Date: 6 Dec 2013 (Fri) - 15 Jan 2014 (Wed)
Venue: Hong Kong Art Of Nature Contemporary Gallery
開放時間 Opening Hours:
星期一至五 Mon - Fri 10:00 - 19:00
星期六 Sat 12:00 - 18:00
星期日及公眾假期 Sunday & Public holidays by appointment
展覽地點 Venue:
香港荃灣美環街一號 21樓
21/F, 1 Mei Wan St., Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
查詢電話 Enquiry :
24937236 / 91207578 Horace Lam
