
108日至 11日於 Main Pavilion of Dongchon Resort  舉行的 「韓國國際當代藝術展」(International Contemporary Art Festival of Korea),是韓國「 9th National Lifelong Learning Festival  2010 」內推廣亞洲、歐美藝術思潮交流互動的一項重要的文化藝術活動。天趣國際藝術中心向來被讚譽為「海納百川,有容為大」的當代藝術機構,此次獲邀在 「韓國國際當代藝術展」 中向海內外嘉賓推介天趣旗下核心藝術家貫通中西學術的創作,與世界各地優秀藝術工作者,分享、交流民族身份與當代藝術視角多元融合的心得和經驗

 Daegu Metropolitan City Dong-gu District省長 Mr. Lee Jae Man、南韓教育.科學.科技局局長 Mr. Lee Ju Ho,以及 Kyungpook National University 藝術學院教授 Dr. Park Nam Hee 分別致開幕致辭,主禮嘉賓高度讚揚了天趣及各藝術機構積極參與是次展覽,及為宣揚審美同理心及擁戴國際文化洞悉力兩方面所作的貢獻。天趣總裁張朱宇女士,介紹了天趣努力打造國際藝術家交流平臺的願景與信念,透過各種國際交流,建立天趣品牌形象和國際認知度。天趣藝術家林鳴崗、王守清和許恩琦以「回歸自然」及「人文主義」的語言,展現當代藝術精神的前瞻性理念得到廣泛認同和讚賞


9th National Lifelong Learning Festival 2010

韓國Daegu Metropolitan CityDong-gu District省長Mr. Lee Jae Man致開幕辭



Dong-gu District省長 Mr.  Lee Jae Man 與天趣

韓國藝術愛好者在International Contemporary Art
Festival of Korea




The “International Contemporary Art Festival” of Korea, held in the Main Pavilion of Dongchon Resort between 8 and 11 October, was regarded as a significant cultural event in the “ 9th National Lifelong Learning Festival 2010 of Korea ” to promote mutual understanding between Oriental and Western Art. The Art Of Nature International Company Limited, being acknowledged as tolerating diversified stylistic approaches in creativity, was invited to introduce the paintings done by overseas Chinese artists with both Chinese and Western education background. We share opinions with the visitors in the aspect of reflecting features of particular racial identities in a modern approach of aesthetic expression.

Mr. Lee Jae Man, Mayor of Dong-gu District in Daegu Metropolitan City; Mr. Lee Ju Ho, Minister of Education, Science and Technology in South Korea; and Dr. Park Nam Hee, Professor of College of Art in Kyungpook National University, delivered formal speeches in the Opening Ceremony. The Guests-of-Honor appreciated the Art Of Nature International Company Limited and the other galleries, for their contributions in developing the bond of aesthetic empathy and embracing the global sensibility in their art-promotion endeavor. Miss. Cissy Cheung, President of the Art Of Nature International Company Limited, manifested this precious opportunity in “International Contemporary Art Festival” to introduce her mission in developing a wholesome platform of artistic communications among the art lovers. Under a strategic manner of international exchanges, the popularity of our trademark was greatly enhanced in the global art scene. Lin Minggang, Wang Shouqing and Xu Enqi stressed the importance of ecological and humanistic languages in the expression of contemporary spirits, and such long-sighted creative perspective gained recognitions from the art communities.

 The Art Of Nature International Company Limited built up a tight connection with participating art organizations from Bangladesh, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Romania, Switzerland, the United States and Vietnam. Due to the trend of globalization, art lovers all over the world recognized a fact that, the appreciation and cultivation on art is becoming an essential asset to guarantee the wholesome spiritual qualities of human beings. The Art Of Nature International Company Limited shared the same ideal with the Korean organizer “Ministry of Education, Technology & Science”; as we cherish painting art as a channel to demonstrate the cultural forbearance of a particular nation in terms of resolving international contradictions and promoting racial coexistence.



天趣國際藝術中心 :  http://www.msctq.com    EMAILmsctq@vintion.com


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