萬城 (MSC) 天趣網絡攜《復仇OL》榮登CGDA殿堂 




萬城 (MSC) 旗下天趣網絡大型3D動作網游《復仇》榮登第二屆CGDA殿堂


在眾人期盼下,歷時一個多月的緊張評審工作,20101119日下午 "2010年度中國優秀遊戲製作人評選大賽 (CGDA" 頒獎典禮在北京舉行。

 頒獎典禮當日,萬城(MSC)集團天趣網絡CEO張少逸率領《復仇OL》團隊核心成員光臨頒獎典禮現場,與現場近千名中國遊戲從業者、愛好者共同分享萬城 (MSC) 光輝時刻。

萬城 (MSC) 集團旗下天趣網絡大型3D動作網游作品 —《復仇OL》入圍盛典“最佳遊戲技術創新獎”、“最佳遊戲用戶端表現獎”兩項大獎。

同時,萬城 (MSC) 天趣網絡《復仇OL》美術設計團隊成員—馮勝宇,通過《復仇OL》當中的人物設計理念實現,榮獲“最佳遊戲 2D美術新秀獎”第三名。

20101122日起,萬城 (MSC) 官方網站 www.msc.cn 、萬城 (MSC) 天趣網絡官方網站www.mscgame.com 、萬城 (MSC) 大型3D動作網游《復仇OL》官網 fc.wanwanol.com 將結合 " 2010年度中國優秀遊戲製作人評選大賽 (CGDA" 敬請關注盛典陸續推出《復仇OL》專題介紹


萬城 (MSC) 天趣網絡CEO張少逸在大會主題


CGDA頒獎典禮現場:大螢幕揭曉萬城 (MSC)

CGDA頒獎典禮現場:萬城 (MSC) 大型3D動作

“最佳遊戲 2D美術新秀獎”第三名


MSCTQ Network, which belongs to the MSC (Vintion) Group, enables its 3-dimensional production called "REVENGE" to emerge on the stage of the 2nd CGDA


On 19 November 2010, the prize-giving ceremony of "Chinese Game Designer Award 2010" (CGDA) was grandly held in Beijing.

Zhang Shaoyi, Chief Executive Officer of MSCTQ Network, commanded the cored members of "REVENGE OL" production team to attend the prize-giving ceremony. They celebrated the glorious occasion of MSC Group with more than thousand professionals and lovers from the Chinese game circuit.

"REVENGE OL", an on-line game production by MSCTQ Network, was nominated with "The Most Innovative Game Technique Award" and "The Best Game User Performance Award".

At the same time, Feng Shengyu, a member from the art-and-design team of "REVENGE OL" in MSCTQ Network, obtains the 2nd-Runner-Up in "The Adolescent Award for the Most Artistic 2-Dimensional Game" with regards to the realization of his unique figurative designs.

Since 22 November 2010, the official website of MSC Group, i.e.  www.msc.cn, the official website of MSCTQ Network, i.e. www.mscgame.com, and the official website of "REVENGE OL"  fc.wanwanol.com will search for an integration with "Chinese Game Designer Award 2010" (CGDA). Look forward to your further support for our upcoming thematic introductions of "REVENGE OL".





天趣網絡遊戲網站 :  http://www.mscgame.com    EMAILmsctq@vintion.com


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