香港人物肖像油畫第一人 林明琛教授油畫展延期
「林明琛教授油畫展」 於2015年7月31日在香港天趣當代藝術館開幕,展出了 30 多幅林明琛教授精心創作的油畫作品,大部分都是以香港的人物肖像和風景為題材,當中包括已故全國政協副主席霍英東的肖像。
媒體報道 Media Repots:
中華時報中文網: http://www.chinanfxw.com/news_detail_id_2812.html?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#
中國新聞網: http://www.chinanews.com/m/ga/2015/07-31/7441144.shtml?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0
亞太日報: http://m.apdnews.com/china/hongkong/224498.html?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0

Art of Nature held the opening reception of “Oil Painting Exhibition by Prof. Lin Ming Chen” on 31 July. The exhibition starts from 31 July 2015 to 20 September 2015. The exhibition will present more than 30 pieces oil paintings including portraits and landscape. All of them were meticulously created by Prof Lin. Moreover, “Mr. Henry Fok” is one of the highlights. Mr. Henry Fok was the Vice Chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
Professor Lin Ming Chen is known as “The First Person of Hong Kong Portraits Oil Painting” who is a famous oil painter, expert in colors. He was the professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, now is the Committee of Chinese Calligraphy and Art Association, Vice-Chairman of the National Artists' Association of China, Honorary President of Hong Kong Oil Painting Research, and the Assessor of Hong Kong Arts Development Council (Visual Arts).
In this opening reception, Prof. Lin was supported by many people, including Mr. YANG Yi, Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade Department Official at Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Mr. Hon Shan Pik, Former Chairman of the Literary Group of Hong Kong Arts Development Council; Mr. Chip Tsao, the famous Hong Kong Culturati ; Mr. Pui Kwan Kay, Vice President of Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China ; Mr. Xue Yongxing, Former Director of Xinhua News Agency Asia-Pacific Head Office. “Professor Lin Mingchen is a famous artist. More than 20 pieces of his works exhibit in Hong Kong are his masterpieces, and I wish this exhibition every success.” Mr. YANG Yi said in the opening ceremony.
In addition, many of the guests having attended Prof. Lin’s exhibition, such as Mr. Chen Xuguang, Director of General Affairs Group in Commercial Office of Economic Affairs Department at Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Mr. Erwin Luthi, Deputy Consul General of Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong ; Mr. Law Siu Hung Paul, Lions Clubs International District 303 - China, Hong Kong and Macao; Dr. Chow Pak Chin, the famous Ophthalmology specialist; Mr. Ran duwen, Chairman of the Board at HKMG TV ; and Mr. Chu Tat Shing, the famous Sculptor etc. Moreover, many of press having interviewed in this exhibition, such as Guangdong TV, Xinhua News Agency, China News Service (CNS), Asia Television (Guangdong) and Ta Kung Pao.
“Oil Painting Exhibition by Prof. Lin Ming Chen” will last to 20 September. Welcome all guests come to visit. |
展覽時間 Exhibition Date: 2015年7月31日 (週五) - 2015年 9月 20 (週日) 31 Jul 2015 (Fri) - 20 Sep 2015 (Sun)
開放時間 Opening Hours: 星期一至五 Mon - Fri 10:00 - 19:00
星期六 Sat 12:00 - 18:00
星期日及公眾假期敬需預約 Sun and Public Holiday: By appointment only
展覽地點 Venue: 香港天趣藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
香港荃灣美環街一號 21 樓 21/F, 1 Mei Wan St., Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
查詢電話 Enquiry: 24163632 / 60647877 Mandy
網址 Website: www.msctq.com
* 免費入場 * Free admission
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