
天趣國際藝術沙龍除了注重與藝術界和收藏界有識之士的交流之外,同樣關注對下一代青少年的藝術素養和創造力的培養,並為之提供學習和觀摩的藝術空間,為推動基礎美術教育的健康發展做出貢獻。201173日天趣國際藝術沙龍與《海峽都市報》聯手打造的“天趣國際藝術沙龍 — 青少年繪畫大賽”在福州軟體園天趣大廈內舉行,組委會有幸地聘請福建師範大學美術學院教授、著名當代藝術家李曉偉先生等藝壇專業人士作為這次比賽的評委;在福州的初高中同學,積極地參加這次藝術活動,得到家長和社會各界人士一致認可

參賽同學以“夢中的家園”(比賽命題)為主題進行了富有創意的發揮,以不同的形式表達了自己對家鄉的美好刻畫與想像,每一幅作品都承載著青少年作者對家鄉的情感。比賽最後評出一等獎一名、二等獎二名及三等獎三名;組委會為獲獎同學頒發了獲獎證書與獎品。一等獎獲得者為曾維蕊(福州市達明小學)同學,二等獎獲得者為陳煒清(福州市第十八中學)、吳東翰(福州市金山小學)同學,三得獎獲得者為林青蘭(台江區第一中心小學)、鄭澤昕(鼓樓區第二中心小學)、林泳宜(福州市格致中學鼓山校區)同學;在頒獎前,評委現場對獲獎及其它參賽作品逐一進行了點評,使參賽同學均獲得一次有益的、提高性的教育。比賽的獲獎與優秀畫作將刊登於《海峽都市報》及天趣網站 www.msctq.com







The Art Of Nature International Saloon and the Cross-Strait Metropolitan News jointly organized an Adolescent Painting Competition to cultivate the next generation with wholesome artistic temperaments  


Apart from promoting commercial exchanges with merchants and art collectors, the Art Of Nature International Saloon is committed to prosper the fine art education as an important asset to cultivate Chinese adolescents with wholesome spirituality, ingenious skills in creativity and solid ability in aesthetic awareness. On 3 July 2011, the Art Of Nature International Saloon and the Cross-Strait Metropolitan News made a historic attempt to jointly organize “Art Of Nature International Saloon – Adolescent Painting Competition” and welcome the participation of junior students from widespread secondary schools in Fuzhou. Mr. Li Xiaowei, Professor from the Academy of Fine Arts at Fujian Normal University, and a group of significant representatives in fine-art profession, were invited as Honourable Adjudicators.

Participating students demonstrated their creative ideas based on the theme called “The Homeland From My Dream”. They described their eagerness for a better future, as well as their thanksgiving feelings towards their hometowns. Each art piece conveyed audiences with adolescents’ wholesome perspectives towards the place of their origin. Finally, the adjudicators defined one Champion winners, two 1st-Runner-Up winners and three 2nd-Runner-Up winners. The Organizing Committee granted winners with certificates of appreciation and souvenirs. The Champion went to Zheng Weirui (Fuzhou Municipal Daming Primary School). The two 1st-Runner-Ups went to Chen Weiqing (Fuzhou Municipal 18th Secondary School) and Wu Donghan (Fuzhou Municipal Jinshan Primary School). The three 2nd-Runner-Ups went to Lin Qinglan (Taijiang District First Centre Primary School), Zheng Zexin (Gulou District Second Centre Primary School) and Lin Rongyi (Fuzhou Municipal Gezhi Secondary School Gushan Campus District). Before the prize-presentation ceremony, the adjudicator conducted a detailed evaluation on each submitted art piece. Participating students could thus enjoy a precious chance of wholesome education by listening to the useful comments. News related to students’ achievements, as well as their awarded art pieces, will be publicized in “Cross-Strait Metropolitan News” and the homepage of Art Of Nature International Company Limited www.msctq.com .




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